Refreshing the mind
This past week, I have been fasting from social media. I have found it to be a refreshing of the mind and spirit experience. Rather than frothing at the mouth over the injustices of the world, I have taken to a sound study, of the Word of God. Wisdom abounds in the timeless tome of The Bible, and there is no better book in the world to inform the curious, about human nature.
Not such a bad thing
I am learning that I am fuelled by anger. Not such a bad thing, for me, because it makes me fierce and fearless. Some people call me brave, but this is not a true description. What looks like bravery is actually courage, an extension of being an encourager. I encourage people to be free, in their minds, hearts, very souls. The only way I know to be free is to be a saved person, someone that has been rescued from death and knows it; someone that has been given a reprieve from eternal damnation, and knows it. I know I am free, because I have been redeemed from the grave while living this life.
Not such a good thing
I said I am fuelled by anger, and this is true. Not such a good thing, for others, because they think that when I am angry, they are the target of my red hot rage. They might not be far off, because fire has a tendency to singe those that happen to be near the burn. Maybe a little fire is a good thing, a hint of what is to come if we don’t fly right, don’t take responsibility, don’t see the signs of the times. A friend said to me just this morning, “free isn’t free if you disagree”… she is right. Jesus was a dissenting voice, a disrupter. Multitudes followed him while he walked before man on his mission, and multitudes still do… but there were some and there still are, that just didn’t and don’t, like to be told they were wickedly wrong, that their oppressive ways were and are, obvious. That’s the thing, you know, with freedom fighters and oppressors, they see each other clearly, from across the room, from down the hall, from around the world. No one is fooled, not really.
Usurping God
My wise son saw me; he too is a freedom fighter. He saw me losing myself in the battle of the twits, as I perceived that I was fighting for right, forgetting that God commands, sends his messengers, shouts out come here, go there, speak this, do that. Usurping God is never a good idea, it has eternal consequences, as the unrepentant oppressors will soon discover. As for me, I’m okay, because God is working on me and so am I:
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you“(Ephesians 4:31-31).
Keeping my eyes on God, I see justice prevailing, because it already has: Jesus’ blood shed for a sinner like me seems unjust, but I sure am grateful for him loving me so. He died for every single sinner, and that means you too dear reader. Our current plight is a blip on the blot of human history. Read The Bible and you will see, that man against man is a common theme with murderous men displaying their distorted characters throughout, despite their many blessings. Oppressors are like that, enough is never, enough: they always want what someone else has and they are willing to kill to have it.
Social media fast
My social media fast is delicious by the way. I taste my emotions, including anger. They accent my thoughts, inform me, and add flavour to my day without overpowering my mind and driving me to react and retaliate in an overly protective manner, for those that cannot speak up for themselves. I know that we are to do this, lovingly standing up for the vulnerable, the innocent. I see many seemingly crushed under the guise of protective measures but alas, the truth is not to be masked: love and laughter always win, bubbling forth from the centre of the soul