Linda Grace Byers

Head of the Snake

Christian Inspiration

Satanic agenda
I prayed not that long ago, for the head of the snake to be lopped off. I see a satanic agenda in our current covidic (rather than Davidic, dear reader) controversy. I praise the God of the universe, for what is playing out in our lives, because he has a plan and nothing goes without his notice. What did he allow that I am so grateful for, you ask? I will innumerate the wins for you dear reader:

  • schools were shut down
  • churches were shut down
These are our most valuable institutions, bar none, and they have needed a delousing for a very long time: I find it fascinating that no one is quite sure what will happen with either of them. What I do know, is our children deserve far better than what they have been getting from both places of worship. Both have taken God right out of the picture, and it is this part of the equation that I am addressing. 
Martin Luther
“How dare you”, you say to this rude and ruthless writer. I dare because I must. We owe a debt of gratitude to Martin Luther’s faithfulness in the face of persecution for introducing the concept of school systems to an illiterate society that was manipulated by men filled with malicious, malignant avarice: perverted priests that promised impossible things to peasants for a fee. Way back in 1517, this man of God wanted Bibles in the hands of the masses, so that they could learn about who God is directly, and learn that it is by grace they are saved, redeemed by faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour. You and I, have benefitted immensely from the blood sweat and tears poured out from the Christian men and women that have gone before us, paving the way to education and elevation from ignorance. The Bible is known as the book of wisdom for a reason. I dare again, say here and now, that without knowing God, people remain ignorant; without Biblical wisdom being taught to our children, decline is inevitable. 
What decline
What decline, you ask? I will say the hard thing, that you may not want to hear or read: our children have been taught to become sexually indulgent at a very young age. 
Do you recall your adolescence dear reader? Do you recall the awkwardness of wondering if a girl/boy liked you; if you would ever hold hands or even one day be kissed by someone? These were tortuous moments for me and I did not understand my sexuality, nor was I supposed to at such a young age. Now children are encouraged to explore (and I do believe the idea is planted in their minds) their inclinations toward same sex potential partners, as though this is natural and normal, and not abhorrent to God Almighty
Abhorrent to God
Allowing snaky ways to slither in

Thats right, I called homosexuality abhorrent to God. I blame godless administrators, and godless teachers for this horrid presentation of what they consider normal, to our innocent, vulnerable, susceptible to suggestion, children. There is a power imbalance dear reader, and this is precisely why Martin Luther wanted all children educated, so that they could learn independently (with godly parental modelling and guidance of course) what being a child of God means. If you are concerned for your young ones because they have leanings in this direction, you better believe that they need prayer. If you haven’t started praying already, it is never too late! God loves praying parents, and your child(ren) are worth every moment on your knees talking to God on their behalf. 

If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea(Matthew 18:6). 
His hand hovers over our children
I do believe, that God had enough, and it is his hand that hovers over our children, protectively, keeping them out of the schools that were no longer safe institutions for higher, morally sound, ethically based learning. 
  • I pray that home schooling becomes the norm 
  • I pray that parents take an active role in educating their children, loving them to the Lord 
  • I pray parents are no longer willing to hand over their young ones to a system that is not only broken, it is corrupt 

Ask any good and God fearing teacher what they think about the place they call work and they will tell you what they are up against daily; many are afraid to give honest feedback to their administration, for fear of retribution. The powers that be in the school system are unseen, but they are definitely heard, and have impacted our children. They worship at the feet of a master, sometimes unknowingly, and it is not the God that created them. This needs to be rectified, and it is up to parents and loving adults in children’s lives to teach them Biblical truth and godly ways.

The church
Now, I address the church, grown fat and lazy with luxury. Jesus was known as a man of sorrows; he saw people as they were and had compassion for them in their lostness. A mandate for all Christians is this: 
Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s case(Isaiah 1:17). 


When you reap your harvest in your field and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back and get it. It shall be for the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow, that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands(Deuteronomy 24:19).

Candy christianity
We have candy christianity, and it is embarrassing to me dear reader. If you are a Christian and you are not contributing to a cause, then I challenge you to consistently take at least 10% of your income pre taxes, and give to the poor, the hungry, the orphaned, the widowed. IJM (International Justice Mission) will gratefully take your godly offering and use it well to rescue human slaves from the sex traffic trade or forced labour. 

God shut churches
I’m not done yet. God shut churches and is watching to see what his people will do next? We have been given the ministry of reconciliation. We have been given the mandate of making disciples of men. If a building is under lock and key, are our pastors and people out sharing the gospel with the masses, the lost that Jesus Christ came to die for and save? If you are reading this and you are a professing Christian, are you sharing your faith with new people that have yet to hear about our Saviour? If not, what the heck are you waiting for, hell to freeze over, or some godless government employee to give you a green light? 
Communicating the love of God
We must read scripture together, edifying one another, communing and communicating the love that God has for his people. This is not optional, it is mandatory, and if churches remain shut following this covidic excuse to close, then the snake head was the church as we know it, and it had to be lopped off. 
It is Gods glory that we seek, not manly approval. The battle was won at the cross of Christ, we get to live in fearless victory.  

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