Linda Grace Byers

Psalm 64

Christian Inspiration

The righteous will rejoice
Hear me, my God, as I voice my complaint; protect my life from the threat of the enemy. Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked, from the plots of evildoers. They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim cruel words like deadly arrows. They shoot from ambush at the innocent; they shoot suddenly, without fear. They encourage each other in evil plans, they talk about hiding their snares; they say, “Who will see it?” They plot injustice and say, “We have devised a perfect plan!” Surely the human mind and heart are cunning. But God will shoot them with his arrows; they will suddenly be struck down. He will turn their own tongues against them and bring them to ruin; all who see them will shake their heads in scorn. All people will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done. The righteous will rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will glory in him! (Psalm 64).
My mind was miserable 
Dear Reader, I am reading the entire Bible in 90 days. Today, I am grateful, because I have entered King David’s domain, the Psalms. I needed the verses quoted above, because my mind was miserable with covid complaining: I have had enough of seeing this damn word, and all that it represents, everywhere I look, and hearing myself commiserate with… me! I just wanted someone, bigger and better than me, someone noteworthy and grand, to lend me an understanding hand. Enter the King, a man after Gods own heart. 

The living Word of God
I have heard many say that the Bible is an irrelevant ancient book; I know differently, because dear one, I have actually read it, in fact, I started reading it when I was 22 and have never stopped: that’s a long time to read one book! (I am now 53, in case you were wondering). The astounding thing about the Bible is it is never the same book twice, because it is the living Word of God. How can I possibly explain this to someone who mocks God, mocks faith in Jesus as Saviour, and mocks the Bible? It is impossible. This said, I was thrilled to read what King David wrote, and felt the timelessness of his statements; I hope you do too. 
King David had enemies
Dear reader, King David had enemies conspiring wickedly, devising and plotting an evil plan. Their weapons were their sharpened tongues, and cruel words were shot like deadly arrows at the innocent, ambushing them. For goodness sakes, what does this sound like to you? Is not our current situation a replica, a repeat? Dear one, the devil is a schemer using ancient material and the Bible reveals that the minds and hearts of humans are cunning. The current covid fear mongering is beyond comprehension, coupled with the censoring of those that do not comply with, agreed to, or complain about, the shut the world down and reformulate how society functions agenda, a script written by people who plot injustice
I started praying
I have seen through what is happening in the world and have all but shouted from the rooftops, wake up people, you are being scammed and plotted against. It has not mattered one whit what I have said and or written, because ambushed people don’t realize what has happened until the damage is done, and they are pulling arrows out of their chests and exposed butts: arrows that hit their mark as people stood in line to get into beer, liquor and retail stores while the world is in a “pandemic”. No panic, we will all be served, if we just remain patient… and by patient, I don’t mean sick in the hospital, I mean just wait your damn turn. 
The guy who could not help himself
No one wants to be a talking ass

Back to the prayer part of my message: I have been praying for the spin-doctors to get tongue twisted, to tell on themselves. I have prayed that they be like Balaam in the Bible, the guy who could not help himself and had to speak what God put in his mouth. In that story, dear reader, God used a talking donkey to point out to Balaam that he was an ass: that’s my hope and prayer, that the evil doers that plot in private and don’t realize God sees and knows all and will hold them accountablejust can’t help speaking truth, at their own expense, bringing them to ruin if they do not repent.  

Echoes of the past
History repeats itself, because head in the sand people refuse to learn wisdom from those that have gone before them. God is called the Ancient of Days and he can be counted on to teach us his ways when we call on him and when we heed his warnings; echoes from the past. King David lived what we are living now and the results, because God is in charge, will be the same for us as they were for him. Thankfully, he wrote what he lived and learned, and the Bible is a reliable source to inform and warn us about our current circumstances. 

All the upright in heart will glory in him.
God, dear reader, as always, will have the last say, and his people, will rejoice. Truth eternally prevails. 

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