Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Your opinion
There are some words I have all but refused to use in the last two months. One of them starts with a c and ends with o-v-i-d. Today, I address what I see has happened, and what needs to happen, in the wake of waves.

The wave
Many have missed the boat, or more specifically, the wave that swept in from the deep. Some, and I include myself here, jumped onto the wave and rode it while it rolled toward shore, hopping off where water meets sand. Being on the wave meant having an opinion and stating it boldly. In a simplified version for the sake of time saved, some of the opinions went like this:

  • This is serious and we must heed the warnings and do what we can as citizens of this world to prevent the deaths of many; I don’t want to be a murderer, do you?
  • This is bogus, a manufactured propagated plan aimed at manipulating the populous: I don’t want to be duped and controlled, do you?
The camps got campy
Many took to their designated camps, and embarrassingly enough, depending on approach and individual expressions of opinions, many became and remain, campy. It is like a really bad situation comedy, where the punch lines are delivered a moment too late and the canned laughter plays in the background to an audience that has left the room for a snack and pop; anything to bring back some fizz. Opinions no longer matter, in fact, no one cares. People have left their living rooms in favour of rush hour traffic and living a life of liberty, away from the canned laughter. 
Autopsy time
When a relationship breaks and their is a parting of ways, perhaps even death, an autopsy must be performed for understanding of what really happened: we do this in order to prevent future relationship destruction and enable enriched communication and intimacy. In other words, we learn from our foibles and faux pas’ from the past. Might I suggest, dear reader, that we are currently, in the autopsy phase of this “world planned-demic” (clearly, you know at this point which opinion I hold regarding our recent mutual experiences: alas, as I stated above, this no longer matters, that wave has washed ashore). 
Truth time
What is, is quickly moving into history, and we have a rear view mirror we can utilize if we decide to be discerningly wise. The truth is not containable, just like a virulent virus, it can track and find you no matter what precautions you take to prevent it. You and I will never be safe guarded completely, from sickness, or truth. They both will and do, have their way with us. 
The question is, are you a victim of your own misconstrued beliefs and self imposed/or other, propagated lies? Am I? If we find ourselves in opposing camps, do we point fingers and immaturely say, ha ha, you were wrong? Perhaps… but my fear is not egotistical in-your-face-I-was-right shout downs, my fear is that those who were wrong, cling tightly to the lies they bought wholesale at the expense of relationship, to save face and protect themselves from the fragile feelings of having been hoodwinked. 
My fear
My fear, in the grand scheme of things, is that when our universal situation gets worse, and it will, that this next wave will leave many battered and broken, unable to get up, because they turned their back to the deep and didn’t see what was coming directly at them. Refusing to watch for waves is deadly and at the very least, crippling. The next wave, dear reader, is a whisper on the wind and a storm cloud in the sky…

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).
And this:
“All these are but the beginning of the birth pains” (Matthew 24:8). 
My point, so that it is not missed by either of us, is that we take a very close look at our sources. Is God your news and weather forecaster, or are you subject to human and demonic influences? Who is it that you trust to guide and shape your opinions and ultimately, direct your steps?

Riding the wave means having a real time opinon

Waves are rhythmic

Waves are rhythmic and repetitive, one follows the next. It has always been this way and despite our desire to believe that we are uniquely wonderful, human history has a pathetic wave like repetitiveness; each generation must learn to navigate their own propensities toward self and collective deception.

Dear reader, it is now our global turn, to do an autopsy and assess: what and who do we believe?
With a knowing grin, I tell you: Truth has already won the day. 

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