The Dividing line
We pass, sleeves almost brushing. Our eyes meet and the corners of our mouths turn upward. We exchange a wordless message: I am not afraid. We understand one another and draw close in a captured moment of time.
We pass, a great gulf between us. My eyes seek theirs as they avert. My mouth takes a downward turn as theirs sternly lets me know that I do not exist. We exchange a wordless message. I invite, they rebuff. We don’t understand one another: the gulf grows.
The dividing line has thinned and thickened. In the passing by, we look for our kindred, the ones that speak our spirit language, the ones we can count on to fearlessly look us in the eye and willingly communicate what is happening in their minds, spoken from their hearts. The ones that look away, they want nothing to do with soul brushing and God glue connecting… but then again, they probably never did?
Plug being pulled on global activity
I see what has happened with the plug being pulled on global activity as a defining time in human history. It is a perfect time for psychological research dear reader. I have noticed social distancing is a wonderful opportunity for rude people to be ruder, and loving people to be more loving. I know, you may think I over state my case, but debate with me and tell me how you see it differently, and perhaps, I may have a changed perspective. Bottom line:
We function from fear or faith; cruelty or kindness; disregarding others or engagingthem; selfishness or sacrificial love. I see no in-between grey, it does not serve me: deep calls to deep, shallow is surface surfing and relationship repellant.
The call of the wild and wonderful
Now, I must rejoice, because of the call to the wild and wonderful in humanity. Those that walk toward truth and freedom, those that fearless go into the fray first. The ones that risk life, liberty and limb, because they cannot tolerate the nonsense, the curtailing of their rights: they are the first responders, the ones often martyred for the sake of a society that does not comprehend that they are being thwarted from living life on purpose, on task, on mission for the God that made them. Someone, many someones, bravely go where others would never set foot, with little regard for their own safety, because they cannot help themselves, they simply must fight for Truth to prevail.
Consulting with us
We only act when we have no other choice, and sometimes far too late. It requires no bravery, to sit and wait while others make choices for us without consulting with us. History is very clear and because there is nothing new under the sun, we can look back in time in order to see into our now and into our future. Since the beginning, there have been those that honoured God and their fellow man, and since the beginning, there have been those that thumb their noses at Him who made them and have murder in their hearts for their brothers and sisters. Dear reader, nothing new… nothing new..
Who am I
So I look, eyes keenly seeking and searching for my kindred, my brethren, my soul searching matches. They are everywhere and sometimes no where. I glow when I find one and go dull when the shadow of the dead to life ones pass me from a perceived, safe distance. I am in the midst of my own research experiment. Who am I, who is God calling me to be, when others treat me and their fellow humans, as though their very lives are threatened, even by a come-too-close-glance?
Look me in the eye, dear one, close the gulf between us. I mean you no harm, from way over here: let at least, our souls see one another?
Dear reader, I ask for your assistance, in erasing the dividing line.