Linda Grace Byers

First Light

Christian Inspiration

First Light


You, are found guilty of high treason

You, are found guilty of self-aggrandizement

You, are found guilty of cursing your creator

You, are found guilty of non-stop finagling

You, are found guilty of attempting to disgrace The Father

You, are found guilty of murder

You, are found guilty of perverting the covenant of marriage

You, are found guilty, of wanting what does not, nor ever shall, belong to you

An attempt to enthrone himself

Satan is the one condemned. Satan is the one that covets, lies, perverts, kills, slanders, never stops, blasphemies his creator, sets up altars for himself, and has committed high treason, by turning against The King, in an attempt to enthrone himself.

Satan has friends in low places, where the whisky drowns and the beer chases their blues away (yes, yes, you recognize this song). It isn’t man that was initially condemned, it was Satan, the adversary. He didn’t like this, not at all, and since misery loves company, he swished his dragon tail, swiping once and taking a whole horde of mini-minded-mumbling-fumbling-want-to-be-gods with him; referred to biblically as former angels, and currently known as (working class) demons.

This wasn’t good enough

Now, this wasn’t good enough for the devil. While wanting what he did not make; while attempting to take credit for what he did not cause, his desire burned and inflamed him to take action. He decided to resort to lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, while perverting the willing, the ones that want to be masters of their own teeny-tiny-self-contained-universe: he conceived a manipulative plan in order to achieve what he covets most: Lordship over God’s created Kingdom. He concluded that he wanted his own subjects, so he went after Gods precious people, the ones he deemed to create in his own image.

Satan was the first


Who is your master

Dear reader, Satan was the first, at trying to be number one: you and I didn’t get this concept from a slouch. He knows what hierarchy looks like and he doesn’t like it: he would rather subject and dominate others, than be a royal subject. I will be bold here and say that we don’t like hieracrchy either, isn’t that right?

Why on earth would we want to be told what to do? Bowing down to The King just doesn’t sit right with our human inclinations and self-possession purposes. Satan was on to something when he decided to rebel. He wanted to call his own shots, and he wanted others to agree to his terms: and many have done, just that.

Look again, above

Look again, at the you are found guilty, statements of condemnation above:

Which ones are you guilty of dear one? Which ones have you invited willingly into your life as a way of being in charge? Who have you hurt, or condemned through your own actions, by rebelling against The One to whom you owe your life? Who has followed you on the road to perdition?

Something appears to command our thoughts

Tell me whom you follow and I will tell you who you are. We all have a master, isn’t that right? Someone or seemingly something appears to command our thoughts, our words; our everyday action steps? Go ahead and think about this for a moment.

  • What drives you?
  • What are your prevalent thoughts?
  • What has you getting up with go when your eyes open to first morning light?

First light: after the darkness

This can be your first light, dear reader, after the darkness. This can be your wake-up call, if you are willing?

  • What part of Gods commandments can you sincerely, in good conscience, rebel against?
  • What part of Who God is, has you wanting to commit high treason, and make yourself into your own god?

God does not want to condemn his creatures: God is love. His commandments are not rules to follow; they are healthy normal regulations for relating in love, with one another. How wonderful? How marvellous!

Now dear reader

Now dear reader, is now the time?

  • Are you ready to be redeemed, restructured, renewed, mind, spirit and body?
  • Are you ready to meet your Maker on his terms, honouring The Father?
  • Are you ready to turn toward Him, the Author of life, and away from the destroyer of divine destiny?
  • Are you ready to be convicted and converted to Christ, and freed from the wicked grasp of the one that wants you to share in his condemnation?

Now, is now, your time?


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