Linda Grace Byers

Invisible Nose Ring

Christian Inspiration

While millions lay sleeping
While millions lay sleeping, invisible nose rings have been inserted. An equally unseeable rope has been sewn through each ring opening, one after the next. With gentle persuasion, the pierced people are led this way and that, herded while hearing “we are taking you to safety” by handlers they have never known.

The people, they heed helplessly, while fiction is favoured over fact: they are fed and stuffed, liqueured in the waiting pen, each wondering when they will be given permission to be free to frolic again. They baaaah and bleat to one another from a respectful distance; alternatively, they kick and fuss, in the furry faces of those that do not have the invisible ring with the rope.

Wake up, wake up

Many in whole families have the pull-by-the-nose rings, while some stayed awake and refused the piercing. The eyes wide open sheep see the herded ones, and they scream loudly “wake up, wake up, you are being tricked“… some hear them and shake their heads but the rope has them attached to their next to them fellow sheep. They can’t seem to break loose: the pen is too full and there is no room to escape. They hear the other sheep, telling them to stay, it is safe in the pen: do not leave it until we are told we can go… you don’t want to die out there, do you? The newly awakened sheep consider what they are hearing and they get drowsy again. With heavy eyelids, they return to slumber. 
Stay in your pen where it is safe
We are all in this together

The handlers, the ones holding the ropes, begin to pull the herd into a tight pack. Space is all but eliminated and the sheep become restless; few recognize that they are about to be yanked mercilessly, in directions un-herd of and as yet, unseen. Some of the sheep suggest staying calm and waiting a little while longer. This appeals to the sheep in the pen and they again, settle in. En masse, they wait and wonder, what next? Whatever will happen to us next? Surely the handlers will take care of us! Surely surely, they know what is best for us! We will wait a little longer: let’s eat and drink while we wait! And so they do, all agreeing that when the handlers say it is safe to come out, they will emerge, congratulating one another for their very, common sense.

They are reprobate

The invisible nose ring sheep have shared their own wisdom, amongst themselves, re-bleating and re-bleating what they each agree on: Shame, for shame on the other sheep, the ones that refused to listen and heed. They are reprobate and not to be tolerated. We will treat them as though they do not belong to our species. They are the baaaaaaad ones! yes we all agree, they have endangered the flock and we will keep them out, the fools that threaten the safety of all. 
The handlers
The handlers, those shrewd herders, have done an exceptional job, once again. The invisible nose ring piercing, the roping together, the herding into pens, the feeding and drink fattening of the sheep and the locking of the gated pen have worked wonderfully: high five congratulations all around for these ring leaders! Now, onto the next steps…
We have them where we want them, the handlers say amongst themselves: let us lead them… whisper whisper hisssss

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