Linda Grace Byers

Cautious Not Crazy

Christian Inspiration

Like the majority of the population in this country dear reader, we are able to grocery shop. I had this pleasure yesterday. While keeping my distance according to the measured out stickers on the floor that lead to item checkout, I noticed, the large plexiglass fixutures protecting the cashiers from customers, or is it the other way around? In any case, I am loving all grocery store staff as they remain non-plussed in what we are being warned will kill all of us if we are not very careful. No one wants to be labelled murderer and so, we must respect the rules: all this to say, that once it was my turn to pay, all caution was thrown to the wind as I inserted my payment card, into the very same machine the ungloved people just seconds before used, and I tapped ok to the dollar amount owing, or perhaps I was saying: I am ok to possibly die? now that they, whoever those would be killers are, have unconsciously threatened me, my family, my neighbours and the whole world, by using an un-sanitized metal keypad touched by how many dirty potentially virus ridden buggers? before me.

Embarrassing statistics

Use of equipment denied

Yes, I am being caustic, only because of this dear reader. While walking through the park, the image that greeted my eyes caused me some irritation and I have to admit, a bit of a chuckle at the ridiculousness. I will give you some statistics and you can judge for yourself what is crazy about the current situation we all find ourselves in. Find below embarrassing statistics based on the most recent Canadian findings:

  • 16% of Canadians get the recommended amount of physical activity weekly
  • 84% of our population is not active enough
  • 26.8% of Canadians 18 and older are obese
  • 2.4 million Canadians aged 20 and older live with heart disease
    From the World Health Organization (WHO)
  • In 2016, an estimated 1.6 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes
  • 2.2 million deaths were attributable to high blood glucose in 2012
  • Healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintaining a normal body weight and avoiding tobacco use are ways to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes
  • The world mortality rate for diabetics for the year 2019 is estimated to be 9.3% or 463 million people
Sound reason

Listen dear reader, to sound reason here. We all have to eat, and pay for food: this is a given and right now, we must line up, with patience for the process, as we all navigate this strange new world. I pay you pay, we all pay, at the keypad: and I don’t see anyone cleaning off the equipment between uses. Don’t you find this a little comical as you read it? Taking our money is clean and necessary but where there is no line up and virtually no use of outdoor fitness equipment, there is caution tape everywhere? What the fudge brownie is going on? You tell me?

I will say the horrible stuff

Now, I will say the horrible stuff that no one wants to say for fear of being pointed at, handcuffed and policed into silence. We are getting fattened up for a reason and if you choose to look closely, you will see and hear duplicity. We are not being protected for our own safety, this would be noble and some kind of wonderful, we are being herded and corralled, based on strange and incongruent rules established in rooms that are out of the earshot of the average you and me citizens. Groomed to be grotesquely over weight and disabled physically. Is this, what we are paying for, dear one?

Caution to the wind

Am I saying throw caution to the wind? Am I suggesting one massive house party with lots of drinking from each others metal mugs? No dear reader, that be also, be ridiculous. My point is that we must be cautious without being crazy; conscientious with clarity.

Fitness or fatness

How is it reasonable to say that restaurants and coffee shops are necessary when grocery stores remain open for all? 

These are statistics found for restaurant related consumption, based on average Canadian households for the year 2017. The numbers do not include money spent in grocery stores:

  • $2593.00 food purchased from restaurants
  • $2272.00 restaurant meals
  • $321.00 restaurant snacks and beverages
Now dear reader, I ask you. Why caution someone away from using adult exercise equipment? Why post yellow beware tape for the very few people that are staying healthy and not causing self induced diseases? WHO (World Health Organization) recommends exercise as prevention to illness: fit people are not immune deficient or at a greater risk of catching a virus because they exercise and eat healthy. There are no lineups for working out, so why the duplicitious dichotomy? Someone, many someones, have gone too far, and I use only this one example of double dealing. 
The mandate
Exercise may cause fitness and longevity: please do use
for your own well being

Stay inside; ask no questions. Eat, and apply for financial assistance: we are working as quickly as we can to protect you from yourself, your family, your neighbours, and those other humans that might dangerously come near. We will keep liquor, variety, donut, fast food restaurants and every grocery store open for your convenience.


Lets not be silly now, payment keypads are essential. We are here to serve you.  Have a nice day!

Looking closely at the fast food meal

I have returned to a caustic voice dear one, with the hope that you too, are looking closely at the fast food meal being shoved down our throats that tastes like cardboard, smells like death, and provides no sound nutritional value.

Get out and exercise: this will build your immunity and fortify you. You don’t have to touch or breath on anyone and they, believe me, will keep their distance from you too. Fitness may save your life and the lives of the little ones watching you. The happiest place I have experienced thus far in this whole strange situation, is the park, where people walk and smile and dogs wag tails when they say hello.

Do what you can, to stay healthy and strong all the days you are blessed with… they will eventually, run out. 

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