I am pretty sure I did not coin the phrase, reach verses engagement. I am thinking this is a measure, from the social media mogul team that works at Facebook. I am going into this piece of writing with the understanding that reach is how many people have seen a post and engagement is how many people have taken action, by perhaps checking out a related website or reading the written article or advertisement and maybe, just maybe, hired you or me, as a result of finding us somewhere out there, in cyber space.
My numbers are low
My reach numbers are embarrassingly low dear reader. I mean, I am just not that popular! This makes me laugh: I ask you, why should I be popular, noticed, given attention, acclaim? Why should you? Give me good reasons and I will nod in appreciation for our fabulousness… then I will suggest that everyone is fabulous and we all deserve the spot light! Maybe with some pushing and shoving, each of us can get a bit of that fabled limelight: what do you say?
My numbers are high
My numbers for readership are excitingly high, dear reader. I am so popular! This makes me smirk with self-satisfaction. I am noticed, given attention, acclaim, and sometimes, I even deserve it: why not, why not me? I have skills, talents, God given gifts that I have worked at finely tuning. Bring on the cheering crowds, it all feels so good. I am a blogger, and in all my years of writing, over eighty countries can be counted as having engaged with my work.
All joking aside, I am truly honoured and thrilled with the numbers that blogger tracks regarding readership. It brings me great joy to know that someone, anyone really, would want to read what I have written: I am very grateful for each reader.
Choose your audience-target marketing
I recall my struggle, years ago. Do I declare myself as a Christian Coach? What about my writing? Who am I writing to? Would I alienate, insult, exclude, eliminate people from my life and professioanlly, as potential clients, if I marketed myself as a Christian service provider?
I agonized over this, not wanting to risk relationships: I have to tell you dear one, that to deny who I am in Christ was a far more painful silent proclamation. Privately, publicly, and professionally, I am a Christian. I felt compelled to target my market, choosing my audience. I love all people and whoever God sends my way, I work with with full commitment toward the goals they have established; I do not exclusively work with Christians. This said…
Three websites later
Three websites later, I have clients that are hiring me because I am a Christian. My web designers have been amazing. Each one, listened to me, captured bits and pieces of who I am, and crafted sites based on my requests. Despite the excellence of the websites, it is only my current site, lindagracebyers.com, that furnishes me with clients. In other words, my reach has extended to my chosen audience and they are engaging with firstly, my site, and secondly, with me, as their hired Coach or Personal Trainer.
What’s the difference, you ask? The first two websites were about me, and what I could do for clients. This one though, it is different. It is about who I am in Christ: this translates somehow, as a desire to serve the clients God sends my way. They can trust me, because I answer to the greatest most faithful, generous and loving employer in the whole world, God Almighty!
Undercover boss
Again, I answer to him: he is my provision and he is my undercover boss. I would have no money, no work, no career, to purpose, if it weren’t for him. Let’s reverse the order, shall we?
I look for Gods thumbs up |
He purposed it in my heart to serve his lambs
He selected my work, my career path(s), and whispered them in my ear
He sends me clients to encourage and point in the direction, the path, he wills for them
He is my banker: I want for nothing
My numbers
While my numbers tell me how popular I am, how many people I have reached, my relationships tell me who I am based on the company I keep: it is the measure I prefer. Now, it is your turn dear reader.
How willing are you, to declare yourself as a Christian __________? You get to fill in the blank. I encourage you, dear one, to take a stand for Christ by making a public declaration that you work for him. I have been blessed in innumerable ways since my declaration of allegiance to our King, and I dare say, you will be too.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13).