Linda Grace Byers

Intermittent Fasting: Complete Transparency, Part One of Five

Christian Inspiration

Complete transparency

My commitment to you during these five writing pieces, is complete transparency, starting with why I am writing five pieces on the topic of Intermittent Fasting: I like the number five dear reader, it’s as simple as that! I also want to explore this way of approaching food with you, from a professional and personal point of view. The professional personal trainer in me wants to experientially understand the body mechanics of choosing eating and fasting times, and the private regular curious want to be fit and lean personal me, is desirous of results: how and what, are the affects of IF, are the questions, along with, is this easy or annoyingly, distractingly, difficult to do? 

You look slimmer

A client of mine showed up to my house looking lean. Much to my chagrin, I could not take even the minutest credit for her slender shape, because we hadn’t been able to work together for several weeks. I asked her Jen, you look slimmer, what have you been doing. Her answer (you guessed it), intermittent fasting. This peaked my interest, and she continued to answer my questions, while lifting free weights with ease.

My confession

Now, my confession… I am kind of off the rails with eating habits. I told you that I would be transparent here, with you! My weight fluctuates, and honestly dear reader, it is a rollercoaster ride I have willingly hopped on for as long as I can remember: a little game I play with being fit then fat, and somewhere in-between. My friends, family and clients, would all object to my assessment, but hey, this is my blog, and I get to say what I see, in me, and tell all, for the sake of this personal trainer letting the world know that they are not alone in their game playin’ with food and fitness. People in the industry are perhaps, the most extreme, as evidenced when we take a close look at the rather unhealthy and imbalanced training and feeding habits of elite athletes and body builders.

Enough introduction, let us get down to the nitty gritty. I am on day three of my intermittent fast, and I like it very much, and here is why:

I have a schedule: my kitchen is no longer open from sunrise to sunset
I have freedom to eat what I like: I do this anyway but, feel less why-did-I-eat-that remorse, with IF
I don’t count calories: IF isn’t about limiting calories, it’s about hormone levels
I have limitations: my recently set goal, is to have self-control
I have more energy: this is blog #2 for today, and it is Friday night at 10:29
I have more clarity: this is blog #2 for today, and it is Friday night at 10:29 (yes, you read this twice)
I look forward to not eating: oddly, I am using my time more efficiently
I look forward to eating: eating is delightful, because it isn’t all the time, anytime


Following a schedule requires self-control

So there we have it dear reader, a quick three day assessment of my so-far-trip into the world of intermittent fasting. I will share my schedule in our next meeting here, and in the mean time, I have attached an article for you to read, just in case you would like to try this too?!

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