I have this fantastic talent… I know you are super curious and maybe just a little shocked and repelled by my bold and sassy statement? You might be saying to yourself “Whatever could she mean, she has a fantastic talent? How very ignoble of her!”
I do though dear reader, I have a super power, a fantastical force that surges within me that I have used, then noticed, and next, finely tuned. Look to the title of this blog for your hint; yes, that is it, I am a pick-up artist.
Here is how my fantastic talent makes itself known:
Looking for extraordinary is tasty work |
1. Using my discernment (commonly called intuition or sixth sense), I can spot exceptional people in a room. With laser sharp focus, I keep my eyes on the prize and all else, other people talking, inanimate objects like tables and chairs, background noise and music, all fade away, melting as though they are no more. All I see is the person that I want to talk to. All I see is the one, the stand out in the crowd person that demands, commands even, my attention.
2. At the first possible opportunity, I make my way to that person. I am not shy, I know what I want. They have a certain something, a je ne sais quoi, and I simply must make their acquaintance.
3. Next, I tell them. I want to speak to you; I want to get to know you; I notice what you said, how you made your point, how you impacted my thinking.
A gift bestowed
I have followed this formula time and time again dear reader. I have gone after the people that touch my heart, brush up against my soul, stir me and have me perk up and pay attention. I am never wrong about them; I am always rewarded when I learn more about their fantastic talents. This said, I can confidently state that my fantastic talent, as a pick-up artist, is a gift bestowed from the One: I am a Holy Spirit filled, God loving, devoted-to-Jesus follower. I cannot help it, I have such love for him and in return, he has blessed me with vision, an ability to hear and spot his kids everywhere I go…
“Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped” (Isaiah 35:5).
As a pick-up artist, my fantastic talent is discernment, a scripturally sound gift of The Spirit, from God. While I cannot take credit for this talent, I can use it, notice its power, and refine the ability, the gift, for Gods glory.
I see people, in their image of God magnificence: sometimes, I get to tell them too…
I want to speak to you; I want to get to know you; I noticed what you said, how you made your point, how you impacted my thinking. What a delight.
Now your turn dear one… Do you see with the eyes of God? His image is stamped on every living, breathing, human being. Each person remarkably resembles their Creator. Get to know God, and he will give you this gift of discernment too, for your edification and ultimately, for his glory.