Linda Grace Byers

Gods Word

Christian Inspiration

“Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law (word)” (Psalm 119:18).

This is my request. I tell you this with much excitement and anticipation. It is a prayer breathed and a hope to be fulfilled by my Father! There is no book in the entirety of the world that can be sought and found that measures up to what is known to man as The Word of God. I want to behold with mine eyeswondrous things dear reader. This is the beginning of understanding the mysteries of God. It is a request for knowing what he wants to reveal, to me.

Permitted play

When I play with the prayer, I change it ever so slightly, without a hint of betraying God:

Open thou his/her eyes, that he/she may behold wondrous things out of thy law/word. I cannot put this in quatioation marks, or signify it with a scripture verse, but I can tell you that this is my prayer for the people in my life that have yet to open their eyes to the wondrous things of God as revealed in scripture. I can’t help myself, knowing God is my most precious life giving thing: how and why would I want to keep him to myself? Withholding love of God is cruel at best, and damning at worst. If I say I love, I simply must share Jesus with as many people as he calls me to. I do this or die from passionate purpose being thwarted. I am called to love others unto God through Christ: I simply must do what he asks of me and what he asks of me makes my heart sing. My request is for he/she to know what God wants revealed to him/her.

Another liberty

I take yet another liberty, because I cannot stop here dear one:

Open thou our eyes, as the body of Christ, that we may behold wondrous things out of thy law/word. This one dear reader, has me misting over with joyful, heart overflowing abundance. I envision truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, with the mind of Christ being lived out in this world, a family united under God Almighty. The Bible is not a book of rules, it is a book of Love. I must, of necessity, want and want and want some more for the wondrous things of God for all of humanity.

Faith for infidelity

Truth for life

Think on this a moment dear one: Truth for lies, Righteousness for wrongness, Peace for strife, Faith for infidelity, Salvation for damnation. You can substitute your own words for the ones I have placed here, comparing what Gods Word promises to what the world offers in spades. I must and will, continue to pray for everyone I meet who have yet to meet HIM, the living God: I will pray for them to hunger and thirst after him and have their eyes open to behold wondrous things out his word. It is the very best I can do in this world, to love people unto God, through his one and only son, Jesus Christ. No calling is more rewarding: it is incomparable.

A final request for today

Open thou our eyes, that we may behold wondrous things out of thy word, in Jesus name. This is my final request for this piece of writing. How can I possibly want more, for me, for you, for us? How does it get any better than knowing the wondrous things of God? I tell you now… it doesn’t!

May you behold him, out of his Word, today dear reader.

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