Linda Grace Byers

Invisible Ink

Christian Inspiration

The invisible can be seen, look closely

To be like the Master, I must love like he does.

My job description

When I return to my job description and review what is printed there, I see that it is written in invisible ink. With some hard staring, the letters begin to rise up and form into words and concepts that have me remembering, ah yes, that, that is who I am meant to be.

To love when it is not fair is the hardest love for me to get my head and heart around. To give when it hurts, these are the greatest most humbling of moments. I learned years ago that to love like Jesus means that often times, it won’t be returned. Godly love teaches that we love for love’s sake, meaning God is love and we love because of and for, him and his glory, and not for what we might get in return. It takes us from the extrinsic to the intrinsic:

Extrinsic: not part of the essential nature of someone or something; coming or operating from the outside. The devil thrills to have us occupied with status and accomplishment: he attempts to drive our egos and cash in on our pride as often as we breathe and think. I admire his tenacity and am learning to combat this with my own, with Gods strength of course.

Intrinsic: belonging naturally, essential. This is who we are when we heed and abide in, God. We naturally belong, it is essential for our being, to give and receive love. It is who we are meant to be.

When I want praise and glory for what I have done with and for people, it is an outside in approach for my own sense of gratification. When I want to praise God and glorify him, I do and say and live as though it is his approval I desire, not my own acclaim.

Love is an offering

Part of the brick-laying-wall-building we all do is unquestioned self-protectionism. We keep ourselves safe from giving hope, love, and help to wounded souls that might wound us. We withhold their love portion: but love is not ours to hoard. Love is an offering and its purity cannot be dross(ed). God gives love, is love, even when we are hateful, selfish, ignoramuses. He is faithful while we are running in the opposite direction.

Bold letters

My job description, the one written in invisible ink… it isn’t just mine, it doesn’t just fade from my seeing eyes, heart and mind: it is your job description too, and it is written in bold letters for all to see plainly:

“Love is long-suffering and kind. It does not envy; does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth: bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:4-8).

To love like God is not a feat of the will, it is a down on your face humbling of self: a wrestling with our own pride and independence. It is an I-submit-moment followed by thousands more, to the God of the Universe, the One who is love and teaches love for loves sake, rejoicing it this truth.

Learn from your Master 

Faith, Hope, Truth … Light, Love, Life … We can be like God, when we know who he is. Grab a Bible and learn from your Master today. God is love.

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