Linda Grace Byers

I Just Can’t Believe In

Christian Inspiration

I just can’t believe in a man that leaves his family

I just can’t believe in a woman that leaves her family

I just can’t believe in a doctor that murders babies
I just can’t believe in a mom that smokes
I just can’t believe in alcoholic parents
I just can’t believe in parents that get their kids high or drunk
I just can’t believe in a man who rapes children
I just can’t believe in a woman that rapes children
I just can’t believe in rapists
I just can’t believe in a man or woman that commits adultery
I just can’t believe in people who sell children into slavery
I just can’t believe in a mom abandoning her child to fend for themselves 
I just can’t believe in a dad abandoning his child to fend for themselves
I just can’t believe in guns in the hands of babes: taught to kill
I just can’t believe in men taking money to kill
I just can’t believe in women taking money to kill
I just can’t believe in men and women who pay for sex
I just can’t believe in women and men selling the young for sex
Pro choice? For whom?

I just can’t believe, how easy it is for unbelievers, to raise a fist at God, blaming him for the violence and vileness, the hypocrisy and horror. I just can’t believe humans have the nerve to curse the one that gives them life when they so comfortably, easily, decimate, castigate and relegate others, to living hell on earth. 

I just can’t believe it: man against man, murdering, raping, stealing, maligning, abusing. Abandoning, drinking, getting high and leaving children to raise themselves… and accusing God for not doing something to fix it all…  
Lord, may thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for your mercy and grace thus far: we need it. 

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