Linda Grace Byers

Stop Bitching Start Praying

Christian Inspiration

I asked a friend today: do you think it is okay to use the word bitching in a blog? She said YES!!! So here it is dear reader, I am using the word and writing about it now.

What gets me irritated

Every once in a while, I get really irritable. I’m a pretty happy person, generally speaking. What gets me irritated, you ask? Well that is a rather personal question for you to ask, and I am thinking about my answer… give me a second?

Okay I’m ready to share, sort of… first, let me ask you, what gets you irritated and bitchy? What has you verbalizing complaints and spouting off? As you answer these questions, I have a little list I am going to share:

Irritation Starts with:

1. Other peoples words and their hidden or obvious agendas
2. Our own words and hidden or obvious agendas being thwarted
3. Other peoples plans succeeding when these plans offend our integrity
4. Our own plans failing when our integrity is intact
5. Holier than thou… and this can be them and, I clear my throat here, it can be us, being holier than thou!

Personal Experience

I am guessing and measuring here, from personal experience, that bitching starts after we have tolerated someone else’s or our own, rather bad behaviour. Complaining out of irritation is a way of releasing pent up emotions, kind of like pouring out a garbage can and seeing what is causing the stink. What exactly, are we bitching about, is the real question?

This is the scripture that always comes to mind for me after I have stopped the bitching:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

Start Praying

So here is the thing. You get to get out all that yucky stuff, for a brief moment in time, and hopefully with someone in whom you have trust; who loves you and knows that this is accumulated stuff… someone who will not judge your humanity. Or you can journal your irritation… usually, there is a point of pain in there somewhere and you get to feel that stuff too, in your moments of honest self discovery.

When you are through with this process, might I suggest you pray? In the Bible verse above, the truth is revealed, that we are not fighting against one another, but the influence of wickedness in high places: spirits dear reader, not other human beings. Prayer purifies the heart.

Dear God

You can start like this: Dear God… he is listening. You don’t have to edit yourself, he already knows everything you are feeling and thinking… pour out your hurt and let him heal your heart.


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