Linda Grace Byers

Figured it Out

Christian Inspiration

I figured it out, dear reader! I am going to oversimplify to edify… here we go. The topic is truth and reaction. Ready?

The categories 

When truth is told and heard, three categories of people present themselves readily, and this is how they show up:

React badly
Toy with the idea

Considering Jesus

Now consider Jesus and peoples reaction to him.

Reacting Badly: Who does he think he is? Why would I consider him my God. No way! Stop talking about that guy and what is your problem? What are you, a religious fanatic or something? That kind of thinking is going to cost you a whole lot. You sure you wanna keep up this fiasco?

Toying with the idea: Jesus seems like a nice kinda guy! I like him; he has some good ideas and he is harmless. I don’t know about the deity claim though… that seems a little far fetched. Liking this guy is one thing, but following him around, and being like him when my life is perfectly fine the way it is: I don’t think so! Besides, I like to lay low and keep it real, ya know what I mean? I’m cool with you digging Jesus if you are cool with me believing what I believe too! I hope this settles the matter?

X marks the spot

All-in(ers): Jesus is God! I wish I had known this sooner? Why has this Good News been kept from me for so long? I have to tell someone; I have to tell everyone I know, everybody I care about! Holy cow, you have no idea what this means to me… I want to hear everything about him, I want to think like he does and act like he does and I want to be just like Jesus! Tell me now, what do I need to do next? I can hardly stand the not knowing. Give me a lesson plan or a master plan or some kind of to-do-list for goodness sakes! I’m busting wide open here… thanks for sharing this truth with me, I am eternally grateful.

Can you see it, hear it, dear reader? The lines are being drawn all over the world, and the question that has resounded and echoed throughout eternity is: Who is Jesus to you?

Who, dear one, is Jesus, to you?

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