Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

Pedantic is defined as: excessively concerned with minor details or rules; over scrupulous.

Details, naaaa

Sometimes I wish I paid more attention to details and then I quickly laugh at the idea and say naaaa, that would be terrible and horribly boring! I have a running joke with one of my sisters, that when she is going into excessive sharing of finite details, I get to say, a faa faa faa, with the intonation of a question mark at the end, as in a faa faa faa? The first time I did this, she got my point immediately, looked me in the eye and said “I’m not talking too much… am I?”. I am again laughing, because the memory triggers something I love. Quite simply, I love synchronicity!

We can synchronize

I think of improvisation here; the quick back and forth banter and the hilarity it can inspire. I also think about listening and hearing and how delicately we can navigate relationships with others when vulnerability is evident. To sense and feel the emotions of another makes us one with them when we respond, rather than going into our own monologues: we can synchronize.

Hearts beat as one

I read a forgotten fact, that two people in love have synchronized heart beats; a quick website search led me to the interesting investigation and findings below.

  • Couples breathing patterns and heart rates synchronize when they sit close to each other
  • Effect was not seen in paired-up strangers
  • Scientists suggest women are more empathetic as tended to adjust to their partner’s rhythms more

“Two hearts really DO beat as one if you’re in love. Scientists find couples’ vital signs mimic each other.”

God is love

So, here is my idea dear reader. God is love, this we know, The Bible tells us so. We are to love like God. If love has our hearts beating rhythmically in synchronicity with another, why not with everyone we meet? 

I will tell you why not dear one… it is the details, the disagreements, the divisiveness. We choose to keep ourselves separated, secluded, and shut out, from truly giving and getting love in a glorious rhythmic synchronicity! This leaves us with one choice. To love anyway💖.

There is rhythm everywhere we look. Everything alive has a heart beat… can you hear it? Listen closely now, can you hear mine? Are we synchronizing, falling in love?

The bloom of love, hearts beat as one

The Bible says this

“And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put in them” (Ezekiel 11:19).
“The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (1 Timothy 1:5).

Heaven on earth

I have a goal dear reader, to have love and truth prevail, rule and reign. I am on task with my mission and I know that I know I am not at all, alone. I invite you to make being in love your quest and goal too. To synchronize in this way will indeed, be heaven on earth.

We can do this, you and I… God is love, let us be godly together.


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Linda Grace Byers

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