Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

“There is no fear in love: but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears not has been made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18).

Fear and love are incompatible. Fear is torment-think of a bully harassing you endlessly. Love is perfect-think of love grabbing a hold of that bully by the scruff of the neck and tossing it out the door, on your behalf!

Fearless in Christ Tattoo

My son has a tattoo on his shoulder. It is Jesus’ crowned with thorns head, hanging low, eyes closed. The portrait is his final “It is finished” statement of sacrificial love for an undeserving world of sinners, an unpopular term, since no one wants to admit to their own very dark and dastardly ways. There is an inscription in Hebrew under Jesus’ head that reads Fearless in ChristAnd my son is. This is what he sent me this morning, as a reminder of who he has become:

“He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved” (Psalm 62:6).


Sacrifice made beautiful

This verse gives me a sense of the purest contentment dear reader. I am a mom and I love my manchild like crazy! When he was a little boy, excited to run to class when the school bell rang, I had to accept the facts: I am not going to be with him every minute of the day, keeping him safe and warm, dry and comfortable. I am not going to be able to defend him against the pain of loss, disappointment, hurt or even physical injury: in fact, he injured himself many a time under my watch! As parent, it is my job to watch and encourage him to learn and grow, get stronger from life lessons as an accountable young man and sometimes, watch him walk away… because he is not mine, he belongs to another.

Not moved

What I have learned is that God loves my son far more than I ever can or will, and thats a whole lot of love. What I have learned is that he is in far more capable hands when I entrust him to God. What I know is that my son knows from where he hails, and he knows that in this life, God is his rock, salvation, protector and defence: he is committed to “not be moved” from this foundational faith in God, on which he firmly stands.

Now, let us turn our eyes to you dear one. Is fear your tormentor? Is it wreaking havoc in your life? Are you tired of feeling afraid? Lastly, are you willing to give up this vestige, this old worn out coat of lies, and trust in love? The two, love and fear, are incompatible.

Why not try love, dear one? Love casts out all fear… God is love, to know him is to be made, perfect. 

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