We all have defining moments in our lives. Perhaps you hear a phrase and there is a ding that goes off in your head: you pause and say ahh, that’s it, as good or common sense, acts like a clarifying solution, clearing up a muddled part of you. This is what having a relationship with Christ is like for me. I get muddled, I seek clarification, I go to the Master and ask for a solution and the clearing of muddled me begins.
Kool-aid king or real thing?
Lots of people believe in Jesus. Many acknowledge his place in history. It is rare and fool hardy for someone to deny his existence since there is far too much evidence to the contrary. Some call him a prophet and others a wise teacher, comparing him with other religious leaders from the past. He is undeniably someone to contend with and complimenting him on his humanistic achievements seems apropos in a world that tolerates, well, everything. We are watered down in our thinking and being and Jesus is just one more pickable Kool-aid to consume from the multipacks available at your local cosmic grocery store. Any God, choose your flavour: there is something for everyone, including a would be saviour of the world.
He said “I AM”
Forgive me dear reader as I struggle with the reality I witness daily as people all around me deny deity. Complimenting Jesus rather than confessing him as the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, is a challenging truth that his disciples witness and with hope in our hearts, endure… He said he is I AM… we say no, you are not, I AM… and the battle rages on. At times, I am cuttingly impolite. I am definitely not politically correct. I am also, lovingly honest and loyal and I risk all, for Christ, because he is worthy of devoted praise and he bought me, and you, at great cost. The blood of the lamb washes me sparkling white… figure that one out dear reader and perhaps, you and I will have a defining moment together?
Direction determines destination |
Do you compliment him, as just one more would-be-God or do you confess him as your God, your saviour, your redeemer? Are you your own King, your own God, going your own way or do you know The One who is The Way?
An echoed confession
Christ defines who I am. I bow down in reverence and dare not compare him as though he were on par with his human creations.
‘Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”‘ (John 11:25-26). While I will not compare or compliment Jesus, I can, and do, echo a confession from Martha in response to his statement and question:
‘”Yes , Lord, “she told him, “I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world” “(John 11:27). So here we have it: Do you, believe? It is one thing to compliment Christ as an option, but an entirely different reality when you confess him as the Son of God and obey his commands for you… his commands for all who seek him and live according to his will. It isn’t the easiest life: believe me, this I know. But I wouldn’t want to live any other way.
Perhaps, your defining moment
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). You can only understand these sayings by going to him, confessing him as the great I AM, as Martha did, as millions through the millennia have done and as I do, here and now before you.
You must first believe HIM. I ask you again, do you, believe?