Do walls have ears? |
Yesterday I packed up my belongings and left the cottage I was staying in for the weekend. My friends loaned me the space so that I could audio record my book of blogs, Love Master. I have stayed there before and felt the warm embrace of the cottage owners and the cottage itself. Somehow, the wooden structure has a personality and I can’t help but feel it enjoys people, as strange as this might sound?
Running the gamut of reactions and emotions
While there, I ran the gamut of emotions with congruent reactions and chosen expressions of pent up kinetic energy. Sitting, I would attempt to record a story and trip over my tongue. Some of the tongue tripping was entertaining and so, I teased and mocked myself for the new words I created. Next, I would straighten up and fly right, directing myself out loud to take my work seriously, without tension. While reading a story with flow, the end zone of the last story line in sight, the furnace or fridge would have their say, interjecting their noisy opinions. Apparently, they had a job to do too. Periodically I would laugh at the interruptions and at other times, I had full blown temper tantrums with cursing and accusations… my tirades did not last long and when I went silent again, the cottage was still there, it stayed. It didn’t get up and leave or give me heck, or tell me that I had been inappropriate or ask, how could I feel and act that way?
Interruptions and irritations
The interruptions served me well dear reader, because I stopped and started so many times and with each time, whether it was self imposed or cottage created, I had to take a look at me, what was going on inside of me, and showing up on the outside of me. My writing is not about words thrown onto a screen or page. My writing is about feeling, knowing, being in and out of myself, being in and out of relationship with you and whomever I encounter or come close to. It is about interruptions, noise, and emotions that need to be expressed and explored. All by myself, I laughed, cried, danced, lied down, read, prayed, ate, drank, practiced guitar, liked myself, irritated myself, joked and even screamed my frustration: all the while the wooden log walls absorbed, as though listening. I got to be me. As I typed this last line, I got to be me, my left ear started to open… I did not know it was blocked.
Are you blocked?
Dear reader, are you blocked too? What is going on inside of you that is pent up, keeping you from fully expressing who you are and what you feel? You must know, you must explore this part of you to be free dear one; it is essential.
The log cabin, it was a gift of time and space given to me this weekend by generous friends. I was not alone there, not really. The One that stayed with me is forever by my side and he witnessed all of me and loved me through it. I am me and he is good with this truth. Dear reader, know this: He, loves you, too.