Linda Grace Byers

What’s New

Christian Inspiration

Curiosity or rhetoric?

A friend of mine sent me an inquiry: When was the last time you did something for the first time? It is a version of the conversation starter, what’s new? I have never liked this question because it makes me want to say to the person, really, that’s your opening line? It is a form of stopping rather than starting a conversation, do you agree? It is a way of putting another on the spot to come up with something significant, or not? I mean does the person asking really want to know what is new or are they just using the question as a polite superficiality?

Well, regardless, I decided to answer this supposedly rhetorical question! Here is my answer:

I published a book. I launched said book. I went on Instagram after video taping myself, giving whomever cares to view the video, a snapshot of my life. I am audio recording my book. I am tracking all of my working and play hours. I am reaching for the stars and believing that inside of me is a God given greatness and while this is not a new believe, I am choosing daily to reinforce it, to claim purpose and to profess it as something to grab hold of by each and every one of us!

A thousand firsts

What is new? What is new for me? Everything is new. This year has been a thousand firsts, a million bursts of understanding and crazy mind blowing soul shattering epiphanies dear reader. Kill me quickly and now if this stops being true for me. Take me down the day I say that I have discovered… nothing. I dare not live a life of redundancy for fear of death by boredom. I will not say another day is done without asking myself how I lived, loved and served? How can I steal air? It is a waste of breath to live and not give, to get and not share, to exist and not learn and grow! I want firsts for the rest of my lifetime dear one, even painful firsts that force me to feel and test my faith. The firsts that have me heartbroken and weeping are the ones that have me dig deep and ask myself who I really am and who I really belong to…

Your turn… your today is here, it is now. Firsts are for everyone. Firsts start in your head and heart and then, it is up to you to take faithful action steps. Take one thought, one heartbeat, one step at a time and live like you have never lived before so that the next time someone asks you whats new, you have an astounding answer, not for them, for YOU to hear!

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