Man alive dear reader, I have been branded! I laugh as I type, picturing a red hot branding iron, like the ones used on cattle. It is fired up and ready; it sizzles as it sears into my flesh, leaving an indelible mark that lets everyone know who I am. I am branded… as me.
Becoming is Painful
This sounds so painful, doesn’t it? In many ways, the process of becoming who we are meant to be is exactly that, painful. In some instances, this becoming can be excruciating. Self doubt, push back from others, criticism and rejection can all make self actualizing a near impossible feat and yet, this is the only reason we exist! You and me, we are only here to become what we were designed to be, and until we each decide that this is far more important than just getting by and living on the mediocre side of mind numbing boredom, we stay the same or worse yet, we stay the same! Yes, I repeated myself because that is what happens to us; we repeat ad nauseam whatever feels comfortable and convenient. There is always someday, not today, to look forward to and perhaps, change will be out there in space and will smack us upside the head like a meteor and we will get knocked into the reality that today is the only day we live in. That is right dear reader, this day and this very minute is your only reality. Is reading this blog what you want to do with this minute, your minute, in time? If you are still reading, then I must thank-you and ask, what will you do once you are done reading? Me being me includes writing. What does you being you include that you have yet to engage in? What are you leaving undone that calls out to you?
Sizzling Iron
Now picture a sizzling red hot branding iron. It is getting close to you. Do you allow contact? Do you allow it to press into your flesh and leave its indelible, unmistakeable mark? What does being branded you look and feel like? This might hurt a little, but the pain is worth it. Go on now, go get branded. We all want to know who you are.