Tiny: very small; a very young child. Universe: all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos. Solipsistic: of or characterized by solipsism, or the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist.
I had a revelation today. An exciting realization, that I am all grown up. It’s not that I am done learning and expanding, in fact, quite the opposite. In my growing up, I see the cosmos, I see extraordinary, I see capacity and width with breath, the deep and the tall…the beauty of it all. It is not mine and yet, I am a part of it because I am here. I live and breath, think and feel and so do you dear reader! You are here with me and I wonder, how is this possible? Across the globe, way far away, you and I become one each time we share our hearts, mine poured out here, yours pouring out wherever you happen to travel and be in your day.
As a child, my life was characterized as solipsistic. I knew this and did not know this at the very same time; self awareness allows for glimpses into our being as we slip from selfishness, a small view of our world into something grand with others in our cosmos, making us each one, a part of a rather stellar incomprehensible whole. As fully grown and actualizing adult, I have matured along the way and there are telltale signs, proof of this inwardly, and externally too. I have crossed a line of demarcation and perhaps you can relate dear one? Perhaps you are walking along side of me? “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me” (1 Corinthians 13:11). Children need, they must be taken care of. Adults take care, they are the ones that must step in, hold others tenderly and carefully until they can go and do, serve too. “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy” (Proverbs 31:8-9).
What are the telltale signs of adulthood I hinted at, you ask? How do you and I know that we have crossed a line into maturity and purpose? It is our inner voice…Who do you talk to and about dear one? Are you focused on you, your needs, your wants, your desires? Is your universe tiny, like a very young child? Self absorption is a marker, an indicator of internal life and monologue. Do you live like you are the only one that exists? How about this, do you think of others and what you want for them and what you can do for them? Who is at the centre of your thoughts? When it stops being about you, and becomes being all about others, there is evidence of growing up and maturing. We are individuals that make up a glorious whole dear reader! This truth resounds in my soul, ringing clear and true in my being. One Love, One God, Oneness. “So the last will be first, and the first will be last” (Matthew 20:16). Jesus put you first, before himself. If you have not done this yet, isn’t it time you too, put others before you, model yourself after true love in sacrifice? You will not lose dear one, you will be filled beyond measure in the dying to yourself and the giving to other(s).
I had a revelation today. An exciting realization, that I am all grown up. It’s not that I am done learning and expanding, in fact, quite the opposite. In my growing up, I see the cosmos, I see extraordinary, I see capacity and width with breath, the deep and the tall…the beauty of it all. It is not mine and yet, I am a part of it because I am here. I live and breath, think and feel and so do you dear reader! You are here with me and I wonder, how is this possible? Across the globe, way far away, you and I become one each time we share our hearts, mine poured out here, yours pouring out wherever you happen to travel and be in your day.
As a child, my life was characterized as solipsistic. I knew this and did not know this at the very same time; self awareness allows for glimpses into our being as we slip from selfishness, a small view of our world into something grand with others in our cosmos, making us each one, a part of a rather stellar incomprehensible whole. As fully grown and actualizing adult, I have matured along the way and there are telltale signs, proof of this inwardly, and externally too. I have crossed a line of demarcation and perhaps you can relate dear one? Perhaps you are walking along side of me? “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me” (1 Corinthians 13:11). Children need, they must be taken care of. Adults take care, they are the ones that must step in, hold others tenderly and carefully until they can go and do, serve too. “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy” (Proverbs 31:8-9).
What are the telltale signs of adulthood I hinted at, you ask? How do you and I know that we have crossed a line into maturity and purpose? It is our inner voice…Who do you talk to and about dear one? Are you focused on you, your needs, your wants, your desires? Is your universe tiny, like a very young child? Self absorption is a marker, an indicator of internal life and monologue. Do you live like you are the only one that exists? How about this, do you think of others and what you want for them and what you can do for them? Who is at the centre of your thoughts? When it stops being about you, and becomes being all about others, there is evidence of growing up and maturing. We are individuals that make up a glorious whole dear reader! This truth resounds in my soul, ringing clear and true in my being. One Love, One God, Oneness. “So the last will be first, and the first will be last” (Matthew 20:16). Jesus put you first, before himself. If you have not done this yet, isn’t it time you too, put others before you, model yourself after true love in sacrifice? You will not lose dear one, you will be filled beyond measure in the dying to yourself and the giving to other(s).