Linda Grace Byers

“Phenomenal Inbred Determination”

Christian Inspiration

Phenomenal inbred determination is the phrase I plucked from an article about salmon swimming against current to get to their native spawning grounds, in other words, the place they first experienced life. The salmon have a pressing and compelling why for what they do and why they do it. It is for the propagation of their species and with all of their aliveness, they spend their energy extravagantly to ensure continuance of their own kind. They produce offspring and once their energy is depleted and spent on this one arduous task, they…die! Now the average salmon, if there is such a thing, lives five to six years and can weigh in at a hefty one hundred and twenty six pounds at the high end. That is very close to my weight (let’s not go there with the question of my exact weight, shall we?). Salmon is delicious to eat and might I tell you here and now, quite interesting as a point of study and discussion…why, you ask? Because of you, and me, and the people we share life with. The question is, do you have “phenomenal inbred determination”?  From this question I ask you, what compels you and why?

Success is a craving for many of us. We want it, dream about it, desire it, taste it and some of us have phenomenal inbred determination and drive in pursuit and achievement of our goals and the ultimate title of successful. The current though, it is the current that we must swim against that pushes at us and suggests we turn and coast, allow the flow in the opposite direction of our intended destination…this is what we are up against, isn’t that right dear reader? Wouldn’t it be easier to go with the flow? Wouldn’t it be delightful to allow ease, to go where the river might take us, rather than expend the energy required to fight our way upstream to our divinely determined destination? Easy is the easy way out and it is no way dear reader, it is the path of least resistance with a phenomenally ordinary and mediocre dead end. No determination is required to reach the end, in fact, this is a guarantee in life that requires no effort on your part or mine-our arrival is certain.

Salmon work for successors, the continuance of their own kind; they know not why or what they do, they do what comes naturally and thankfully, we benefit from their phenomenal inbred determination. Lets turn our gaze to you…what will compel you to swim against the current, fight the tide that suggests you turn and go with the flow? Have you discovered this for yourself yet dear one? You must, you simply must, have a compelling reason for the why of what you do otherwise the pull down stream will become impossible to resist. Why not take some time today, perhaps even this very minute, to figure out the answers to the big questions for your existence? You are here for a reason and like salmon, for a season. Isn’t it time you figure some of this stuff out? 

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