Linda Grace Byers

Light Activated

Christian Inspiration

Etiquette Elegance

Last night, I soaked in brilliance. I sat in a boardroom and experienced enlightenment…the word selected by the Grammarian to be inserted whenever and wherever speakers found an appropriate fit for its usage. It was my third Toastmasters meeting and I must tell you that I was awestruck. There are many reasons to join Toastmasters and I am learning that it is elegance, etiquette, thoughtful consideration and a spirit of winsome learning that emits from the atmosphere that I find engaging and captivating. There are rooms in my mind that have not see light and entering the world of Toastmasters is light activating…being in the presence of collaborative, ingenious thought capturing and provoking company has my mind lighting up and this, the piece you are reading, is afterglow.

Bad Comany Good Company

If bad company corrupts good character, and dear reader, you and I can attest to this fact via life experience, then it makes good common sense, that good company elevates the soul, edifies the heart, and brightens the mind. By virtue of exposure, I am becoming most excellent company! I cannot help but grin broadly in appreciation. There are worlds inside of worlds for each of us waiting to be explored, hidden treasures that glimmer with promise peeking out just below the surface of our consciousness. Whatever you desire and seek, you will find. With each step taken in the direction of your choosing, pay close attention…their are sensor lights that come on just for you, one after another, casting light so that you may see. Take your eyes off of the path and look straight ahead, lamps in the form of humans and angels stand at their ready, watching over you, waiting to light the next torch for you to see by. Glow or grow, they are one in the same when there is compassion in the learning, correction in the teaching and leading, love in the giving and receiving. Modelling success is the goal
and the role.

Lighting Up with Possiblities

My mind, it is lighting up with possibilities…the rooms fill with Presence. “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Once you have the light, it is up to you to give it…go now, and light your world. 

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Linda Grace Byers

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