“When the environment becomes too hostile for an animal, they have to find a way to cope. Some animals migrate out of the area, others enter an inactive state, which they stay in until conditions suit them better. If this inactive state lasts for a long time during the winter, it is called hibernation, but if it is in a hot climate, it is called estivation” (Earthrangers.com).
Are you a) hibernating b) estivating c) busy as a beaver building your dam d) wondering what the heck the writer is talking about? e) incubating
While you may relate to one of the multiply choice selections above, you might also find yourself living a combo life. Since I made up the categories, I confess, I am living into four of the five-I exclude myself from d) for obvious reasons! Let us get really clear up front, humans are not animals, meaning you and I, are not animals! Enough said about that, lets dive into our topic.
Threats to well-being
There are environments that we find ourselves in that can be hostile and threatening to our well being. These threats put us in a position of preservation and self protection, understandably. The environments could be physical and I believe they start in the realm of what we can see and touch but the hostility runs more deeply than this, travelling into the psyche, the emotional side of who we are. Here is a for instance. I recall a vivid dream of my mother in massive pink curlers and her bath robe and she was yelling at me. I was a small child in the dream and had the nightmare when I was quite young and yet it has remained with me as a tell, a piece of information that perhaps I was actually yelled at by my mother in pink curlers and bath robe. This caused fear and since it was a threat, a hot climate, I am wondering if as a child, I estivated, withdrew to a safe place? From there, did my fear and distrust of my mother perhaps, incubate? This is a simple example and each human has the ability to assess what drives them to a) hibernate b) estivate c) build in business e) incubate. Each state can be a form of protectionism and this is how I am comparing them to our emotional states.
Running hot and cold in relationship
Where do we go from here in this process? You tell me! I can only speak from my own experience and I tell you that each state has its benefits and drawn backs. Each one is useful but none of them are effective ways of living because of the exclusionary effects they have on relationship. There is hiding away from hostile environments because we run furnace hot and frigid cold with one another emotionally, and this always leaves a burn mark. There is no room for love to grow when we go into our caves or shells, fall asleep and lay dormant only to rinse and repeat as soon as we are again, feeling threatened…I work out my own salvation here dear one, and ask that you too, take a close look at your patterns of withdrawal and retreat “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his purpose” (Philippians 2:12-13). Today, I come out of estivation. What has been incubating in me is to love beyond what I see and hear, past what appears to be to the beyond. I want to love outside of myself and give myself over to the work and will of God, according to his purpose.
What about you? Are you willing to come out of hiding, rub the sleep from your eyes, look around you with a yawn and stretch and say today is the day I…