Linda Grace Byers


Christian Inspiration

I ofter hear this word legacy bandied about. It is some kind of noble idea that calls to the heart and engages the soul and it goes something like this…what is your life worth, how will it be measured, what impact and difference have you made in the world, how is it that your life counts and this, what is your legacy, what will you leave behind to be remembered by, making your life on earth unforgettable? Oh, the human ego is boundless, is it not dear reader? I mean think about your “legacy”, what you want to leave behind. Is it money, property, a hospital with your family name plastered all over it reminding others how benevolent you are or…were? How about a park bench with a plaque under it, placed there by city workers because family members wanted to commemorate your life, holding on to memories of you? What will it be? What are you living to only leave behind once your hour glass has run out of sand?
     I had to laugh as I considered my own very noble idea of the legacy I hope to leave behind. It is not grand by human standards, it is not earthy and weighty with material matter giving it gravity. My name will never be on a huge trust fund or hung high up on a sky scraper, in fact, I may not be remembered at all as I pass from this life into the next. Like so many, I may pass from anonymity to obscurity in the blink of one Godly eye. So what do I hope to leave behind, you ask? It is this…the star dust of faith, the fragrance of Christ, the flavour of hope, the tender and awesome embrace of pure hearted love, the echo of God whispering in the ear you are mine and I have and will do anything for you…when I leave a room, a conversation, a meeting or this life, I want to leave knowing that I was like Jesus for someone, that they knew and felt his love because I am one of his ambassadors. I don’t have much to offer you separate from him. I am sweet but hey, I’m not Jesus. But oh, to be like him, to be remembered as one of his and to live, speak and walk in his ways, now that is a legacy. 

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