Have you ever practiced a day of silence dear reader? Have you ever observed how hard it is for someone, perhaps even you, to be quiet? The internal mind chatter we all have is one thing but the nonstop verbal sounds of our own voices and that of others can be deafening. I like the idea of communicating using the bottom line technique. When details wrapped up in excessive verbiage lead to no where, the questions are, so what is your point, what did you want to tell me, what did you want me to know OR this, dear reader, what is your bottom line? Wading through words can be exhausting and I have done some wading lately. I am grinning at this point, knowing where to find simplicity, sound that is not noise; it is forever and always, outside of the walls of buildings, the minds of men and the constructs of confinement. It is somewhere, out there, in the star filled sky, the squirrel inhabited forest and the bubbling of water.
Let your words light the sky, your heart scamper amongst the trees and your soul be refreshed near a babbling brook…though they are few, words with meaning in their simplicity, give life to the listener.