Linda Grace Byers

Fireflies and Everything

Christian Inspiration

It all matters, everything; this message was written on a pink, round post it note and handed to me during breakfast with a close friend. She said it was a message from God for me and that this was her first time with this type of experience. Recently, I have heard the same message repeated and than repeated again, from various sources. I am not seeking out this message; I am not looking for hidden meanings or reassurances or even confirmation that it all matters, everything. In fact, this theme coming at me and for me is a mystery and as I encounter people, have conversations and listen, I am seeing the truth in the message. Everything matters, it all matters. Nothing and no one goes unnoticed. We are all being watched, affecting one another, impacting our here and now and our future and what we do counts, it matters. This leads me to compulsion, or the feeling of being compelled to, as a “you must do” push from God knows where? I mean this literally dear reader, from God knows where to God knows how and why and when and so much more because it all matters to him and ultimately, it all matters to us, too.

One of my favourite pastimes is sitting in my backyard at night, watching for the bioluminescence of fireflies. When I looked up some information about fireflies, the website called their glow, bioluminescence…a fancy name for spectacular natural brilliance. The website got all factual about the why of the glow and all I could think was why ruin it? Why look for the explanation when it is clear, they are aglow because God created them for us to see light in the darkness. Fireflies flash saying hey, look at me, aren’t I pretty? Would you like to see more? I’m on all night doing a show with my pals. We are here for the summer so come on out and bring your friends and family!

If it all matters, everything, does that include fireflies? Does it include a welcoming smile, a warm embrace, an invitation to sit close or a hand on an arm that lets someone know you care? Does it dear reader? Does it all matter, to you? I want it to matter, all of it. I want it to count, to mean something, to have value and worth, and it does. Never underestimate the power you have to make a difference. What you do matters, all of it, everything. I hope you flash brilliant light into darkness dear reader, illuminating someone who needs your glow so that they might see. 

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