Linda Grace Byers

Whip or Love

Christian Inspiration

“What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love and with a gentle spirit?” (1 Corinthians 5:21) Love can confound, defined as “cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations.” Have you ever expected one thing and gotten another dear reader? Lets come back to these questions later.

My mission to be a master of love started several months ago. The idea is to commit to loves ways for eight hours a day in the hopes of accumulating ten thousand hours of practice in order to become an expert. By the three and a half year mark, I hope to be known as a loving person. I want to be described as a model of what love looks like, acts like and is. I have hit many a road block, crashed into unexpected u-turn obstacles and have had to be righted and corrected repeatedly but I have to say, I do believe I am well on my way to mastery. It will only take me a life time…not the three years I have left from my zealous calculations. In the mean time, I practice. I asked you earlier, have you ever expected one thing and gotten another? I have…

As a perfectly imperfect person, I have been shown mercy. So much mercy that I could soak the front of my shirt from tears of gratitude. I have said and done things that I wish I could take back. I have acted out of selfish interest and hurt people I love. I have been vicious and mean, self protective and unforgiving and through it all, I have been shown mercy, human and heavenly mercy. Undeserved mercy. My middle name is Grace. It means the unmerited favour of God. Yes, unmerited and loved; loved despite all that I described above. Love has confounded me dear reader, in its gracious generosity and I hear the words spoken by the apostle Paul above “What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a whip, or in love and with a gentle spirit?” While I deserve the whip and we all do, dear reader, God took the lashing for us. I don’t know about you, but I cannot bare the heavy penalty that I have incurred and my answer to the question is I prefer love, and this love given with a gentle spirit. What is your answer to the questions dear reader?

And so I am plying my trade. I am committing my energy. I am keeping my eyes on the Love Master so that I too, can be expert practitioner in gracious generosity, and loving with a gentle spirit. This is within our reach dear reader. It has been done before. We are capable of this type of grandeur of expression in fact you; you are capable of this dear one! You can choose your weapon.

What will it be, whip or love? 

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