I heard a great line today; the devil is in the past and God is in the now and in the future. This grabbed my attention, because my unglued feeling prevailed as long as I allowed it; it remained for as long as I wept over what was and what was not, in my past! I wasn’t just unglued this morning, I was stuck. This stuck-ness never lasts long for me, because I like to know where I’m going, what I’m doing and lastly, I really like to be joyful! So, if it be true that the devil is in the past and God is in the now and the future, I can only hope to be where I am, right now. Stay with me for a minute longer and hopefully we will get to our now together.
I live a life of reconciling. I look at the me of the past, the now me, and the one I want to become. The me of the past is kind of immature, young minded, and self indulgent. That me made decisions and thought things that I recognize now as painfully progressive…meaning I knew there was a better way but I just didn’t know the how to part yet. The me of now sees unglued and wonders what is going on? What does this mean? Where do I go from here? This me is mature and chooses, with an eye on not just the here and now, but what lies ahead. This me sees Gods brush strokes and longs to see the big picture. This me asks God, will you glue me back together? This me knows that unglued is temporary and simply an indication of a feeling; a moment in time, not a perfect picture of my future. Unglued is painful progression with persistence; a knowing that my prize awaits. God’s will is what I seek and when I do this, unglued is impossible. He knows what he is doing and I fully place my trust in him. God is my glue and he can be yours too.
Feeling unglued dear reader? Feeling lost and needing to be found? Give yourself over to God’s crazy glue love. Let him pluck you from the miss matched box of lost things. He made me whole today and my future looks bright with him in it. He can do this for you too, all you need do is ask!