The truth can be stingy; a painful encounter with it can leave welts that cause scaring. It is risk taken to speak the truth without knowing what the impact may be on the listener. They might break, reject or push back against the truth presented to them. Conversely, they may thank-you for the gift of truth and respond in unexpected and extraordinary ways. What if withholding truth from another is the most cruel thing you could possibly do? What if by not speaking, you do irreparable damage? What if you are the only person in their world that knows the truth but you refrain from sharing and they are lost because you simply couldn’t get up the courage to take off the kid gloves and speak? What if you wear those gloves of yours because you are kidding yourself?
Human. The truth is undeniable. The truth in all its shapes and forms is liberty “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 Stop kidding around with it. Stop minimizing its life affirming worth and value. Stop messing with a good thing. Live truth, speak it, fall in love with it so that you can be trusted with all it has to offer.
Take off the gloves and speak the truth to yourself.