Paying attention to Gods timing |
Experiencing perfect timing
Have you experienced perfect timing dear reader? A simple example of this is wanting to get up at 6:00 a.m and opening your eyes just minutes before your alarm.
For a more dramatic example, imagine arriving home to find a loved one in cardiac arrest. You perform life saving cardio pulmonary resuscitation. While in hospital, your loved one looks you in the eye, tears streaming down their face as they thank you.
You recognize a compelling feeling you had
Your mind quickly takes a trip back in time to one month prior. You recall the weekend you spent getting certified in CPR and now recognize that the compelling feeling you had had to take the course for the first time in your life was for this moment in time. A hospital visit is clearly, unequivocally preferable to a grave site.
Are we killing time?
Time is an extraordinarily bendy object marking and demarcating continually. I call it an object which is a crazy descriptor and yet it has this quality to it, that it is a something we grapple with that cannot be grasped. Am I currently killing time here as I wrestle with the concept? I think not, because I take you now to this. God has perfect timing. I joked with him this morning as I prayed, “In your perfect timing God and can you hurry up?” I picture a sideways grin shot from him to me because I sense he understands my urgency and my concurrent trust.
While I trust in his perfect will and his perfect timing, this means that I must wait and often times wait some more. I think of the preparation that goes into all good things bestowed. I believe that foundation must be laid prior to balconies being built. I see that seeds must be planted before they grow into powerful wind resistant trees. I know a baby must be held, helped, hoisted, before taking on the world. Nothing and no one of worth starts out as an end product. What dear reader, would be the point in this? What would we have to look forward to, eagerly anticipate and then joyfully savour if we had what we wanted and we had it right now?
Gods will and timing make the end result exquisite
Accomplishment is this-time, effort, desire, commitment, unwavering-all-in-nothing-is-going-to-stop-me-now determination to win the race with our eyes continually on the prize. The prize, what is the prize? What do you want and want it now and yet, you are willing to be all in and wait, no matter what because God; Gods will is so perfect, his timing so precise as to make the end result so exquisite that it feels like rapture?
Wait… wait… just wait a little longer dear reader. He knows your hearts desires because he himself placed them there and he knows, when perfect is.