Linda Grace Byers

Fighting with Feathers

Christian Inspiration

Picture boxers sparing. Two opponents, squaring off, dancing and dodging with tentative jabs that eventually turn into what looks like lethal blows. The bobbing and weaving is artistry disguising the ultimate end good in a match of wits, a knockout punch, rendering a competitor unconscious. There is gradual progression, a warm up to fire feeling of anticipation for observers. A spectator may have a favourite going into the viewing or may feel a sentimental pull of sympathy for one fighter over the other. Either way, taking sides is natural, a human condition that echoes a voice in our heads, implanted in our hearts of divide and conquer while we play favourites. Fighting appears to be a natural inclination, wouldn’t you agree Dear Reader? Winners and losers is the name of the game. Dodge the punches, maybe land some of your own, weave your way out of the fight and walk away intact, safe for another day. Love speaks a different language than this. Love asks that we remain, in love, despite threats, despite attack, despite our urges to put up our fists and block a punch or worse yet, throw one at a fellow human being that looks, sounds and feels a lot like us.

How would it be for each of us Dear Reader, if we chose to disarm our opponent? What would it take for you and me to decide that we do not want to spar, refusing to give in to carnage, blooding another for the sake of winning and lording this over the “loser” in battle? Think now of a feather as pseudo sword, with its wispy down softness, the ticklishness of it brushing across the face as an opponent takes a swipe. Imagine fighting with feathers, squaring off against an adversary, swatting at one another, attempting to jab, bob and weave to avoid harm. It is impossible to injure someone with a feather in fact, the idea is absurd. So is fighting, fighting is absurd. In fact, the idea of fighting becomes more ridiculous with every day that passes in my life…what do you think Dear Reader? Is there a better way? You could have knocked me over with a feather is an expression with the idea “that surprise will put you off balance and so it will be easy to knock you over. In this case, so off balance that all it would take would be the brush of a feather.” Disarming is charming, an unexpectedly wonderful way of letting love win Dear One. How much fight is in you? Is it your usual way? Are you ready for a new approach? What would your life look and feel like if you let love win? Fight with feathers. Knock someone off balance today with your gentle kind heart. 

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