Linda Grace Byers

Vantage Point

Christian Inspiration

What is your vantage point Dear Reader? Do you see straight ahead, around corners? Do you have eyes at the back of your head? Are you able to see far into the distance or immediately in front of you? Do you look down when you walk, talk? Not wanting to exhaust all of the possibilities, I ask you this last option, do you look up? Depending on your viewing inclinations, the vista changes. In fact, you may not see a vista at all, given the direction your eyes take. I am learning rapidly that it is the mind, the thoughts we give credence to that direct our vision. Keeping the mind narrowly focused on the mundane and mediocre has our eyes trained on the minuscule and microscopic. If you are a scientist your microscope will allow you to discover worlds inside of tiny worlds, expanding your vision and understanding of the world at large. If you are a human that only focuses on what is immediately in front of you, you make your own world, life and mind, teeny tiny. What we focus on becomes who we are and I am hoping for us Dear Reader, I am hoping for a vantage point, a view of life that includes majesty, magnificence, magnitude. Impressive beauty, scale, stateliness and royal power. A title or form of address for a monarch or other distinguished person. Great importance, a difference of one on a scale of brightness, treated as a unit of measure. Look at the definitions included in the three sentences that precedes this one! Is this what you want for yourself? There are a whole lot of m words in this piece of writing, all descriptors of perspectives that you and I can grab hold of and see from, they represent vantage points. We get to choose ours. In the choosing, we affect our minds, our direction because whatever the focus may be is exactly the direction we travel. 1 Peter 2:9-10 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” Can you see Dear Reader, that these biblical verses speak of a heavenly vantage point, an elevated position of looking up in order to look down from above? Through Christ we have already or can, receive mercy and the brightness of our vision changes. We become members of a chosen people, royalty, a holy nation belonging to God. Belonging to God Dear Reader, the sovereign. Being a family member of the king of kings makes me a daughter and princess. This can be your title too, prince or princess of the kingdom of God. Who will you be, what will you see from this point of view? Nobility, gentility, elegance, stature, grace and grandeur becoming of royalty are yours to lay claim of, in Christ. Look up, so that you can look down from a heavenly vantage point. You are becoming, always becoming more of the same of what you are already. You decide, narrow your vision or broaden your scope? 

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