There is a plant in the corner of my bedroom that gets its nourishment from the light that streams and sometimes dimly enters the space via the window. Every once in a while, I pour water from my drinking glass into the soil of the plant, recalling that this too, is required for its continuance. It is rare that I consider the plant, except for when I move it out of the way to vacuum around it. It is there, unseen most of the time…it is a living thing and with little to no care, somehow it graces me with its healthy presence, its ever growing green long fingered shoots reaching for what, I do not know. People are living beings, with little sunlight and water, they can be maintained, in the corner of the room, or the attic of our minds. I am deeply grieved as I recognize that so many of the people I love have experienced this putting aside by would be care givers. Fathers and mothers, absent from the roles of nurturer, givers of not only light and water but nourishment for the soul. Without the soulful nutrients, character strength and the development of emotional intelligence are stilted. Without growth and development, the living being must fend for itself, half a plant really, with shoots extending to God knows where and no roots growing into the deeper parts of who they are and were created to be. My understanding of the condition makes it no less painful to realize. Our aliveness requires spirit Dear Reader. We are all but dead as we live and breath, soak up sunlight and water if we have not a spirit of life within us. Maintaining life is not living life. What is left of us when food and drink, creature comforts cease to satisfy? Who are you when all is stripped away and you are laid bare?
The plant in my room gets what it needs and I have not once heard it ask, water me, bring me closer to the light. It depends on me to give it the basics and yet, my basics are so simple and come not from me. I do not make water, sunlight, soil. Somehow someway it converts all it receives and has aliveness within, cultivated and nurtured by Someone. You, human, who do not make what you need and yet are maintained by your minimal contribution to your subsistence, Who do you give thanks to for your existence? What gives you aliveness and are you a half plant or are you willing to gratefully soak up The Son, drink deeply from Living Water and become alive with Spirit? God Almighty is our strength when we are in need. He provides without our asking. Won’t you repent, turn back to Him today and thank Him for all of you, all you have and all you are? Do this today Dear One, go and give your thanks.