Recognizing out standing is a gift. Out standing is everywhere and nowhere, depending on your vision and what it is you are looking for. Perhaps you are not looking for anything at all? If this is the case, this may not be the place for you right now. Your time might be better spent elsewhere? If you are, however, seeking what stands out, then I invite you to stay and keep me company while I investigate this idea further.
I have a magnolia tree in my front yard that is in full bloom. The subtle shades of pink petals decorate branches. Some have let go of their hold of each other, dropping gently to the grass blanket that covers the earth. The magnolia stands out as the only tree in my vision that is in bloom. For now, this tree is singularly beautiful in its stunning floral display. I think of the pedals dropping one by one, fading from tender pink to brown and wonder about the changes from bud to leaves. To what end, with what purpose? Can we forgo the flowers and their slow and delicate death? What about the emergence of the lush shades of green tips that peak out when the tree has shed its blooms? Each leaf takes its own place, held there by an invisible grip, hands unseen. There is a life force within the tree and a wisdom that holds it to a schedule, a truth, a path of continuance. The tree does what it does without question or doubt. The tree carries on in its tree ways, designed to change as predicted as commanded…Nature as teacher. The tree blooms without shame or hiding. It receives light, the love of rain and nutrient rich earth. The tree flourishes and reaches for the heavens and in so doing, displays glory, honouring the One who first planted its seed. The blooms have their say, they speak of praise and beauty and they let go of this allowing for new growth, the green of maturity and expansiveness, shade under which you and I might go for peace and pleasure. I heard that magnolias grow slowly and I can attest to this fact. Slowly but surely, this too is a gentle generous gift, a promise of blooming and growth, reaching up and letting go and repeating this time and time again. The tree has no fear and stands out, not as brave but as confident. Isaiah 55:12 “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” Singing and clapping Dear Reader? THIS is what nature is doing? This truth is out standing, simply OUT STANDING! Teach me, train me Lord, this should be our request of God. Let me live in accord with Your rhythm, Your bold and beautiful display of glory! Who wouldn’t want this Dear Reader, who I ask you? Today, I learn from my magnolia, planted there for me to remind me of who I am in Christ. Who are you?