Linda Grace Byers

Enmities Opposite

Christian Inspiration

Newton’s Third Law, forces come in pairs

Enmity is defined as: a feeling or condition of hostility, hatred, ill will, animosity, antagonism. Enmity is the antonym of love. I made a pledge not long ago to become a Master of Love. Here are the questions I am learning to ask myself when faced with circumstances that might draw me down the opposite path toward enmity: What would love say and what would love do? Since establishing my quest, my mission, I have come up against such bizarre and unexpected circumstances that I have alternated between being shell shocked and nodding my head in understanding with a yes, yes, of course I am being thwarted and challenged. Newton’s Third Law and I are getting well acquainted “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Apparently, forces come in pairs and we need to remember this whenever change is afoot dear reader! Back to opposites now…

The devils duty is to destroy

Enmity wants to damn me and love wants the opposite. This is not surprising since Gods command is to love and the devils duty is to destroy. God says love me and love one another and the devil says, can you believe what just happened? You must be so mad right now, mad enough to strike back and do some damage to them because after all, they hurt you first didn’t they? While hate is the opposite of love, the devil is not the opposite of God. One enjoys ill will amongst men and the other loves so much that He instructs us in Matthew 5:44 “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” God acknowledges that there is and will be strife amongst us and He has unique and wonderful recommendations for how to handle circumstances and situations Romans 12:18 “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” There is this wonderful promise for those who heed Gods guiding advice Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

Digging deep into loves requires much

It is so easy, too easy dear reader, to take much and many things personally. It is simple to become hostile and indignant, giving ourselves permission to retaliate. It requires far more from us to dig deep into love, even when it isn’t fair, even when it seems undeserved, even when we would rather… you finish the sentence.

Love is a choice and so is enmity, both have power in them

Love is a choice and so is enmity. Love has within it the supernatural power of God Almighty. Enmity has power too, to destroy relationship and ruin lives. We all get lots of choices to Power Up everyday. Choose Love dear reader:
let it win this day. 

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