Linda Grace Byers

Free Falling

Christian Inspiration

Saying you are going to do something and actually doing it are two different things. I can say I want a cup of coffee and look at my mug waiting for it to fill up or I can get up and make myself some brew. Saying is empty, doing holds promise. A lot of people live a miserable life and complain about it, wanting something different. This can go on for a very long time, perhaps even a lifetime. The trap is believing that what you know is somehow better than what you don’t. This is a fear based unreality. The truth is that without exploring, no discovery is possible. A friend advised me recently to “embrace the unknown”. I liked the idea but had no clue that his words were prophetic-the unknown was waiting at my doorstep. I liked the possibility of life unfolding, being an adventurer with untold twists and turns that would grow me, challenge me and ultimately strengthen the me I am becoming. In theory, this esoteric approach seems exciting but lets face it Dear Reader, there is a part of us that has a hard time letting go of the security of knowing what is next so that we can plan ahead and protect ourselves. Embracing the unknown feels like a free fall without a bungie cord. A free fall is exhilarating. A free fall can also feel like death is imminent.

I am free, free falling…this is my current state of being. I just don’t know what will come next. What was is no more and while I could be terrified, choose to worry and fret, these are not of me. They do not belong to me and I do not accept them as my own. Fear is not in my DNA and I don’t think it ever has been. In fact, I believe that I am now being set free from the facade of fear and all the lies it tells. Security does not come from things, it comes from faith, believing that there is more to life than what meets the eye. The adventurer in me wants to see what is going to happen next and where I might find more free falling opportunities. As the saying goes, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”. How exciting Dear Reader-imagine the possibilities? What about you? How is your life shaping up? Is your yesterday a repeat of every day of the last year? Are you in a rut of rote routine, devoid of elemental excitement and emotional engagement? In other words, is your life risk AND reward free? What would a free fall look and feel like for you? What will it take for you to want and go get more for yourself, today? The free fall is scary and exciting all at once. All of life’s great heroes bravely faced and embraced the unknown. Is it time for you to too Dear Reader? You get to decide, it is your life. 

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