Linda Grace Byers

Making Cents

Christian Inspiration

Entitled to deferential treatment

How much is a human and their dignity worth? Maybe it depends on the human? Some people are clearly worth far more than others, wouldn’t you say? If I have lots of money and it shows then deferential treatment is an entitlement for me-I get the automatic respect that I have earned in society. If only everyone could see each others bank accounts. This is a great idea because we could order people accordingly. Hierarchy is a wonderful system that can become an official way for society to function more efficiently.

Rights are for the privileged for goodness sakes

The cost of betrayal

Hierarchy: a system in which members of an organization or society are ranked according to relative status or authority. With this system in place, everyone will know their place and confusion will disappear. The lessors would give the mores their rightful financially earned due without argument about silly human rights. Rights are for the privileged for goodness sakes! When did this get discombobulated in our thinking? Lets face it people, the more you have the more you get! Lets not confuse ourselves with equality. Some people are just more important than others. It all makes cents.

“Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the leading priests and asked, “How much will you pay me to betray Jesus to you?” And they gave him thirty pieces of silver. From that time on, Judas began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus” (Matthew 26:14-16). Judas is an infamous mercenary, an archetype. Mercenary: primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics; a person primarily motivated by personal gain. Judas went into the dark with his pitiful desires for gain. He willingly sold his soul to the devil along with other human accomplices. This is the only way it can work dear reader. We must willingly sell one another out in order to give the devil free range and influence.

Money means nothing to God

Money means nothing to God. What we do with it matters though, it speaks to our hearts. We betray ourselves when we put money before humans. “When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. “I have sinned,” he said, “for I have betrayed innocent blood.” “What is that to us?” they replied. “That’s your responsibility. So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself” (Matthew 27:3-5).

Jesus was crucified, not because of the money. He was crucified to pay the price for mercenaries, sinners, people like you and me. Money means nothing to God. Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death-no amount of money can pay for the extravagant love of God. “And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power” (1 Corinthians 6:14). Believe in him dear reader. Believe in Gods power and might and let the devil have what belongs to him. 

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