To give or not to give? This is the question asked that generates much opinion and debate regarding people who live on the streets and ask for money. A popular opinion is that if given money, the person receiving will spend it on drugs or alcohol. Many have wanted to feed this population and have offered them food instead of giving cash. I heard the most unique perspective recently that made me stop and think, taking my eyes off of the “problem” and placing them back on the human. What I heard was “give them the money so they can go and buy the alcohol, it’s what they want. They don’t want a sandwich. If it gets them through the day, at least they are still alive and who knows what can happen for them?” “I was a drunk and I had another day.” The person I quote serves God and people and the perspective is an eye opener. It is the one more day, getting through one more day with the hope that something life altering will take a person from difficult and heart breaking circumstances to life filled wonderful ones. Jesus did this and still does. While Jesus acknowledges enmeshment, the situations that cause life messiness, He always keeps His eyes on each person before Him. He sees people, not just circumstance. Am I condoning or suggesting that you give money to beggars? No, I am not-what you do with money is up to you. It is the one more day theme that has me mesmerized and I hope it has captured your imagination too. If yesterday felt like the worst day of your life, did you go to bed hoping that today would prove to be much better? When you see someone you love suffering, do you hope for resolution and healing? Are these the words of encouragement you share, “This too shall pass; give it time; tomorrow is another day”? Does the pain of your loved one cause your heart to ache too? Conversely, are they just a write off to you, hopelessly helplessly lost? Those that stand on the traffic medians with little cardboard and black marker signs that ask for compassionate giving…they belong to someone, they have family and friends that miss and long for them. Hearts ache for one more day that may bring about change, another chance, freedom from the ugly fight for dominance over the soul. Who knows what the catalyst might be? A word, a gesture, the eyes of love with a message that they are valued…could this come from you Dear Reader? Could you be Jesus to them for a brief moment in time, long enough to for them to know that they matter? This day is the only one that exists. We are called to make a difference in Christ, in His love. You get to decide what this looks like.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a