Alarm bells have been going off in my head, in my heart. Last night, a family member set an alarm. This morning, the sound of repeated bell ringing in intervals reminded me of a poem by John Donne, For Whom the Bell Tolls. Rather than getting up and turning the alarm off, I let the bells chime. I recalled my youth and the ringing of real bells, calling people to church. The powerful bells could be heard near and far, calling people from their homes, beckoning them to worship and prayer. Bells set to clocks chime the hour, 12 rings for 12 o’clock, 1 for 1 o’clock, you get the idea. Bells declare it is time and somehow in their deep ringing, there is resonance in the bodies of men. We hear them and sometimes pay no attention. When we hear them and notice, the question becomes, What time is it for me? Is the bell, tolling for me? What am I to pay attention to? Is there something to notice, to be aware of, to discern? Is it time? Time for what? Am I to be alarmed, or am I being called? Wake up, wake up and listen says the bells. Interestingly, man has his ways of circumventing the call of the bells. Snooze buttons have been installed and for the sleepy, those who would rather stay in slumber, the snooze option is used often. We have our ways, don’t we Dear Reader, to hear and ignore, to notice and dismiss, to be called and to lay down and just go back to sleep?
How are you with getting older? When you look in the mirror, do you see changes, to your face, your body? Where are your wrinkle lines and how did they get there? Are you living the life you have been called to? Does it show, landmarked, on your face? Is time slipping away into one more day, and another, just one more day? Have all the bells that call you to Him stopped ringing? Can you hear them still, dimly, as they ring from a tucked under your pillow place? Can you hear them Dear Reader? The bell, it tolls for you, it tolls for me. It does not say it is too late because it never is Dear One. It is time, now…listen for the bells, they call and beckon. They ring for you.