Who do you resemble in your family? Can people tell who your siblings and parents are by looking at you? Have you heard someone say, are you related to so and so because you look just like them! Same gene pool equals similarities amongst relatives. It only makes sense Dear Reader. How about mannerisms? I was visiting with a friend and her son recently and I had to laugh as I pointed out to them that as they were listening to me, they were both leaning to the right, heads cocked, one leg crossed over the other. The son may have unconsciously picked up physical cues for listening from his mother with mannerisms to match or maybe, there is some kind of genetic coding from their gene pool that says, sit this way when intensely listening? I am going to go the safe route here and say that there are clearly some learned behaviours AND some natural family type predispositions. Now, what about who you are as a human being Dear One? Look at your spiritual inheritance now, take a close look. Perhaps you have been compared to your benevolent, honest hard working grandfather. Perhaps your aunt on your mothers side was mischievous, pulling playful pranks remembered and spoken of at family reunions decades later, long after death. Are you like her, compared to her Dear One? How about this. Your fathers brother was greedy, a liar, a cheat. He could not be trusted because his promises were schemes. Grin, no one compares you to him…there is no way you are like that guy! Its your sister that people compare to sneaky uncle so and so. Some traits seem like just that, family traits, passed on from one generation to the next. In the comparison, I wonder about the sins of a father being visited upon his children. What sins am I thinking of Dear Reader? It is this-godlessness. Without God, we open our doors wide to many a thing, including the lies of self dependency, motivation to succeed at the expense of relationships and a clinging to all that this life has to offer at the expense of losing our souls, selling them for things that rust and die away in fads that come and go. Was, is, your family godless? Have you inherited richly or were you born impoverished? What is your spiritual inheritance? Now, you are here, reading this. Your family has influenced you and currently, you are at choice. What was does not have to continue to be. Again, you can choose. Godlessness is easy, we are born into this and you can carry on as though you just didn’t know you had options if you like. I am suggesting something else, Dear One. You can inherit from God directly, become heir apparent before the throne, grafted into His family through Christ. It is an offering, to shed the old and embrace the new. A forever family of saints united by God Almighty through His Son. I want in, how about you?
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a