Vestige is defined as: a trace or remnant of something that is disappearing or no longer exists. I have a remnant of fear that is disappearing and soon enough, will no longer exists. This is a bold statement Dear Reader and I am willing to explore it with you, here and now. The vestige of fear that lingers stems from a lie that was told to me when I was very young, whispered into my ear by an unsavoury shadowy thing. The lie was presented as a question so that doubt could be planted and grown in my heart, in my spirit. Perhaps you have been told this lie too, Dear One? What was the lie in the form of a question, you ask? It is this…Are you sure you can trust God? Other lies followed over the years and today, I came up against the largest one that has ever been whispered in my ear in an attempt to penetrate my mind-You cannot trust the will of God, look what HE asked HIS OWN SON to do. What if He asks the same of YOU or worse yet, the ones you love? Isn’t that a little too much? When I look at the lies inside of the questions, I see that they are distractors and detractors from Truth. God asked a lot of His son and His son willingly submitted to the will of His Father but more than this, He depended on Him! In so doing, Jesus Christ defeated DEATH. Please forgive the many capitalized words in this piece of writing Dear Reader-I don’t mean to be screaming at you! I am thrilled to share with you that the greatest lie of all is that this life, the one you and I are currently living, is the be all and end all. Jesus lived, was crucified, died and was buried in a tomb and on the third day, the power of God Almighty rose Jesus from the dead. Jesus didn’t have to do all of this, He came from Heaven and is and was King already. He did all of this for us so that we might know and believe that we too, are not captive to death when we believe and trust in Him. Our attachment to creature comforts has us clinging fearfully to what we know, what we can see and touch. There is a never enough feeling to this because we must perpetually work to maintained the materials that sustain us. Not so with the will of God Almighty. He wants so much more for us than our mere existence Dear One. He cares about our souls! Jesus was tempted, tried and tested. So are we. The one thing that He demonstrated over and over again for us is the greatest gift safe guarding us from fear and insecurity. Deuteronomy 8:3 “Man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.” This was Jesus’ answer to the liar, the doubt and fear planter, the one that whispers into vulnerable young and old ears. From this day forward, I am trusting and asking for Gods will in my life and the lives of those I love. What about you Dear Reader? Are you ready for this last vestige of fear to be vanquished? Ask Him for help if you are afraid, He is by your side ready to set your mind and heart free, In Christ.
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a