What does relief feel like for you dear reader? I have heard it described as a weight being lifted from the shoulders; being able to breath again; a lightness in the heart. Relief can come in the form of cool water on a hot day, either in a glass or an ocean. Relief can come when someone appears at your door, someone you have been longing to see. Relief can come from a middle of the night phone call. You fill in the ___________ dear reader. Relief can also come when truth is finally spoken and heard: there is an ah yes feeling to this experience. It is a relief to have confirmation that what has been suspected and felt for perhaps decades, is finally confirmed.
Some cover their ears trying to block out the resounding truth
Many someones tried to bury truth |
Truth travels to grave sights, hospitals and back through time to homes with families living there. Someone, many someones, tried to bury truth, to throw it into the grave with the dead but it did not work. Truth resurrected. It could not be buried, held to lifelessness. It rose and whispered and spoke until it screamed and was heard by all. Some covered their ears trying to block out the resounding truth, still unwilling to accept. Others fell to their knees and begged for more Truth and begged again, please never leave me.
Truth can be breathed in and exhaled out
Truth is justice. Truth is undeniable. Truth is the backbone of every integrity filled Godly human. Truth is God revealed and experienced. Truth is life everlasting. Truth can be breathed in and exhaled out and it is everywhere at all times. Human, do you seek it as though it is your life line, or deny it as though it were the plague?