Linda Grace Byers

God Relating

Christian Inspiration

We all have a relationship with God, even if it is none existent. To deny him, avoid him, ignore Him is still a relationship, albeit a dysfunctional one. I talk to God daily, asking for His guidance, blessings and advice. Sometimes I even take the time to step away from my self serving ways to listen and hear what He wants me to know. It is a relationship working its way toward maturity but alas, I fall short in many of what could be called, The Divine Categories. What are the divine categories Dear Reader? At the very top of the list would be Submissive Servant, Humble Healer, Benevolent Benefactor. Near the bottom of the list you might find the categories of Procrastinating Prophet, Reluctant Receiver, Apathetic Apostle. How do you like these categories and did any others come to mind as you read them? I laugh at myself and my alliteration. It is entertaining to play with how I hold up and how I fall down in my relating to God. In the laughter, I recognize what areas need some improvement and which areas get at least a passing grade. Heck, in some categories I am OUTSTANDING…Forever Faithful and Correctable Child come to mind. Jesus asks this of us and nothing more, because it is beyond good enough Matthew 22:37-38 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Well if this is the greatest commandment, than I am pretty confident I am in some bad company, because I have met very few people who have accomplished this goal. Next we have this, the second of the greatest commandments Matthew 22:39-40 “And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” It occurs to me that we do love our neighbours as ourselves. Our lack of self love shows up all over the place in our relationships, doesn’t it Dear One? We deny, avoid and ignore one another. We evade and run from responsible relating and in doing this, we un love the people in our lives and un love God Himself. How can I be what God wants me to be if these commands are far from my heart and galaxies apart from my being? Look around you at your relationships Dear Reader. How do you measure up against the standards Jesus spoke about as the greatest commandments that the Law and Prophets hang on? I have some work to do, what about you Dear One? Lets end with this truth. God Wants Us To Love.

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