Linda Grace Byers

With Mistakes

Christian Inspiration

How do you read Dear Reader? Do you look for messages and meanings or are you a helpless, hopeless perennial proof reader? English majors can not help themselves, they get stuck on the hows and wherefores of what they read. Mistakes stick out like tacks sprinkled on the literary floor of their minds. All they can think of as they read and wince is “this writer needs some grammar and spelling lessons!” Maybe I am a corrector too? I think of things I have said and done that I need to clean up, reset, try again. The missteps of the psyche that litter the floor of my soul as I trip over myself and land flat on my face? Much connection and communication is taking place in text, printed words clicked onto screens all over the world. Some misspellings sans auto correct can be hilarious, mischievous, Freudian, dangerous and even dirty (you get to define what dirty means to you). Most misspellings are of the mundane variety and yet, we want to correct them so that the person on the receiving end of the message does not misunderstand. This surface level of communication is the catch, the guise for real connection. I had a friend say “I can translate” when a message was sent to him with mistakes…sweet sweet relief. He saw past the misplaced letters to the meat of the message, reassuring me that our conversation was of the real variety, not to be waylaid by tiny insignificant typing errors.

Now Dear One, lets talk about you, and me. We make mistakes of the mundane and minuscule variety. We also make mistakes of momentous magnitude and yet somehow they get “translated” when someone sees past our mistakes and missteps to the real you, the real me. The heart translates what words written and verbalized fail to do. It is forever and always the intentions of the heart that people read. Psalm 26:2-3 “Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.” Humans are wonderful truth detectors. We try to hide from one another and yet, somehow our hearts are readable. Is this not the most magnificent gift, to be known by another for who we really are and not by the mistakes perceived or otherwise, we have made? We are being refined daily Dear One, for His glory. Don’t let mistakes lead you away from The Truth. Let Love lead you to His perfect, understanding ways. 

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