Linda Grace Byers

What Would Love Say?

Christian Inspiration

Life isn’t math and yet it is

I don’t know about you dear reader, but I just don’t have the answers to life’s most challenging questions. In the past year, I have had so many ominous experiences that my “problem solving” capabilities evaporated into thin air, leaving me with very little “deductive reasoning” for “conflict resolution”. I laugh here at the quotation marks that accentuate the logical. Life isn’t math and yet it is, because when logic evades, cosmic forces work out the equation in the spiritual realm. I believe this is what is known as paradox, or at least, it is my experience of paradox, defined as: a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.

Here is a paradoxical statement for you “One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another man withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:24-25).

In giving we receive, this is the bottomline dear reader. I must qualify this statement, temper it with truth. We do not give to receive. The math does not add up when the intention is to gain from giving. There is no nobility in believing that we will be rewarded for our obvious attempts at false generosity. Scripture is pointing to love, dear one.

The Bible is clear

Love is the hand that feeds, clothes, waters. Love comforts and embraces. Love says when you see need in your fellow man, give, fill them up and you will fill to overflowing. It does not make sense and yet it is the most stunning, jaw dropping truth that ever was and ever will be. Love asked me to trust in this truth each time my house of logical cards tumbled in a heap. Love asked me to submit to its mysterious ways and I weep, astounded with the outcomes, unpredictable and predictable at the same time, a paradox. The Bible is very clear. It is the living breathing word of God and by turning to and trusting in it, in Him, I am living in dumbfounded joy! Outcomes are guaranteed in the bible, all we need do is follow the guidance and advice clearly outlined there for us.

Gods math is paradoxical

Here is a quote from a dear gentle souled friend “The Holy Spirit has been dancing all around, so many exciting and wonderful things happening.” Here is some real life math for you dear one. God + You = Heaven on earth. It is the oldest most glorious equation of all time.

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