Linda Grace Byers

Playing Catch

Christian Inspiration

I watched the Oscars this week. What impressed me was the seemingly natural improvisational skills of the actors in the audience as they interacted with the master of ceremonies. If a ball is thrown your way, does it hit you in the face, chest, groin, graze your body or do you somehow inexplicably catch the ball, even when you were not expecting one? I watched the actors metaphorically catching the ball, playing with it a bit and tossing it back, garnering some laughter from on lookers. The cleverness of spontaneous interaction appealed to the audience. Quick wit and surprising reactions captured the imagination. The imagination used in the moment had my eyes glued. I marvelled at the clever interpersonal play that pointed to intelligence. I am reminded that when an entire auditorium is filled with people from one industry, the brilliance of their abilities becomes effervescent and captivating. The actors at the awards have practiced their craft with countless hours invested in learning the art of improv. What may have started out as a natural inclination became finely tuned with attentive care and training. This brings us to you and me, Dear Reader. When you are thrown a mischievous glance, a becoming smile, a quick hello or a happy inquiry, what do you do with it? When a smirk or a frown, a smile upside down is lobbed in your direction, what do you do with it? Do they hit you in the face, chest, groin, graze your body and bounce off of you? Are you able to catch them cat like, play in the moment and then toss them to another without injury to you or them? Much of our time is spent in regret of the fumble, the dropping of the ball. In hindsight we see what we could have, should have, wished we had done. The opportunity to be playful is often lost. Instead of playing catch, we just get hit. What is my point, you wonder? Perhaps in the light of this day it is this: let there be play. How we respond to one another, regardless of what comes our way, can make or break mood, sense of self worth, ability to positively and powerfully impact others and the environment. A ball is coming fast at you Dear Reader, choose to duck, dodge or catch, but don’t let it hit you in the face for goodness sakes. As The Great Umpire in the sky calls “Play ball”, choose to get into the game! Spontaneous fun awaits you. 

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