Here, in a nutshell, are my “others” that don’t belong: The critical eye and the needy one. These characters have been tenacious and have alternated between hiding in the wings and taking centre stage whenever opportunity presents itself. They are the least likeable parts of me and as observer, I know they are not at all me. It is a strange thing, recognizing that how we think and behave are and are not us, all in the same moment? It is an awareness that allows for choice and change, a decision to be different as “they” shrink and Spirit grows. I know that when I am being critical of myself or others or when I am needing the approval of man, this is when I am farthest from God. The “others” keep me self occupied causing guilt, a sense of assault to my morals. Fortunately, I feel compunction and from there, self assessment and moral course correction takes place. Keeping internal dialogue open means I can hear Gods voice. I can hear Him asking me “Is this what you really believe? Is this who you really are? I know better, I want better for you, return to Me and I will abide in you.” John 15:5 “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” Your turn, Dear Reader. What “others” have taken up uninvited residence in your heart, soul, psyche? How important is it to your personality and character development to root them out? The real you that God sees is waiting to permanently take centre stage, for His glory and in service of humanity. Have your private heart to heart today, why wait?
Jack’s Faithful Prayer
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a